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时间:2022-09-07 22:38来源:英语论文
On the Application of Indirect Speech Acts and its Politeness in Communication,英语论文论间接言语的使用与礼貌交际

摘要在奥斯丁言语行为理论的基础上,塞尔于1975年提出了间接言语行为理论。间接言语行为理论可以简单地定义为:在交际中,说话人并不是直截了当地说出自己的意图, 而是换一种说法 拐弯抹角地表达自己的真实意思。礼貌交际,是一种存在于人类社会的普遍现象,并由利奇提出了礼貌原则。因此,本文将具体分析间接言语行为和礼貌的关系及使用间接言语达成礼貌交际的影响因素,并最终进一步提出建设性的使用间接言语达成礼貌交际的有效方法,以帮助人们建立融洽的人际关系,并达成礼貌交际。83881


Abstract On the basis of Austen's speech act theory, Searle put forward the theory of indirect speech act in 1975。 Indirect speech acts can be simply defined as: in communication, speakers usually say something indirectly rather than directly to express their true intentions。 Politeness, as another important theory, is also a very universal phenomenon in our communication。 And a famous linguists Leech has come up with “politeness principle”。 Therefore, this paper will analyze the relationship between indirect speech act and politeness and the factors affecting the realization of politeness through indirect speech acts, and finally propose some effective approaches to apply indirect speech acts to achieve politeness, in order to help people establish harmonious interpersonal relationships and achieve politeness in communication。

Key words: indirect speech acts; politeness in communication; affecting factors

On the Application of Indirect Speech Acts and its Politeness in Communication


摘 要 i

Abstract ii

I。 Introduction 1

II。 Analysis on the Reasons of Indirect Speech Acts’ Application and its Politeness Effects 2

2。1 The Reasons Why the Application of Indirect Speech Acts can Achieve Politeness 2

2。1。1 The Inherent Politeness of Indirect Speech Acts 2

2。1。2 Conventionalization of Politeness 3

2。1。3 Face-saving of Communicators 4

2。2 The Politeness Effects of Indirect Speech Acts 5

2。2。1 The Positive Politeness Effects 5

2。2。2 The Negative Politeness Effects 7

III。 The Factors Affecting the Realization of Politeness through Indirect Speech Acts 8

3。1 The Cultural Factors 8

3。2 The Social Relationships 9

3。3 The Inpidual Differences 10

IV。 The Effective Methods of Applying Indirect Speech Acts to Achieve Politeness in Communication 11

4。1 The Reasonable Cognition of Different Contexts 11

4。2 The Suitable Judgment of the Hearer’s Language Comprehension 12

4。3 The Cultural Consciousness of Different Cultures 12

V。 Conclusion 13

Bibliography 14

Acknowledgments 15

I。 Introduction

Indirect speech acts can be simply defined as the kind of “speech acts in which one illocutionary act is performed indirectly by way of performing another。”(Chen Xinren 31)。 Politeness is one of the reasons of the application of indirect speech acts。论文网 论间接言语的使用与礼貌交际:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_99129.html
