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时间:2021-12-31 10:51来源:英语论文
The Study of Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird,英语论文《杀死一只知更鸟》中的人物布.拉德利解读

The Study of Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird Abstract    To Kill a Mockingbird is a novel of initiation, an indictment of racism, and a protest against prejudice and racism。 It is the masterpiece of Harper Lee and her only published novel。 This novel generally presents two stories: one is about mysterious Boo Radley and the other is about innocent Tom Robinson。 Boo Radley and Tom Robinson share many similarities in spite of fact that one man is white and the other black。 Both of them are the innocent “mockingbird” in the eye of Harper Lee。 By juxtaposing these two characters, Harper Lee proves that justice and compassion reach beyond the boundary of color and human prejudices。 In this essay, the charming and mysterious character--Boo Radley will be discussed。   76543

    Nearly every reader of To Kill a Mockingbird will be attracted by the role of Boo Radley at the beginning, for its mystery and speciality。 And at the same time readers will wonder what kind of person Boo Radley really is and arouse admiration for his kindness, pureness and justice when reading。 The main reason why readers will have that psychological changes is that the author Harper Lee purposely highlight the mysteriousness of Boo Radley。 In this paper, I will unveil the mysteriousness of Boo Radley by analyzing his experiences, family and social background and also his own actions。 Family and social factors will be emphasized in growth of teenagers in this paper。 That’s also the writing aim of this paper。

Keywords: Harper Lee; To Kill a Mockingbird; Boo Radley; family and social factors; mysteriousness




摘  要《杀死一只知更鸟》作为一本启蒙小说,控诉了种族歧视的种种,同时也对当时社会呈现的社会偏见和种族歧视提出抗议。这部小说是哈勃。李的代表作,同时也是她唯一出版了的作品。这部小说大体讲述了两个故事:一个是关于神秘的拉德利,另一个则是讲述无辜的汤姆。罗宾逊的故事。尽管来自不同的种族,他们还是有很多的共同点。他们俩都是作者笔下的无辜的“知更鸟”。作者将这两个人物置于一本小说里,证明了正义和同情可以冲破种族和偏见的阻碍。在这篇论文中将会呈现一个迷人而又神秘的角色——布。拉德利。




1。Introduction 1

2。Social background 2

2。1Racism in America 2

2。2The great depression 2

2。3The Civil Rights Movement 2

2。4 Maycomb , Alabama 3

3。Boo Radley--the mysterious being in this novel 4

3。1 the Radley Place where he lives 《杀死一只知更鸟》中的人物布.拉德利解读:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_87817.html
