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时间:2021-12-06 20:27来源:英语论文
On the Spiritual Wasteland of the Westerners in More Die of Heartbreak from the Perspective of Post-modernism,英语论文后现代主义视角下《更多的人死于心碎》现代西方人的精神荒原

Abstract More Die of Heartbreak is an unfamous work written by the American writer Saul Bellow。 Many papers in and out of china have studied the works of Bellow, but most of them mainly focus on the analysis of the themes, writing skills and the novel characters in his representative and most famous works such as the Herzog and Seize The Day, very few papers have touched the work More Die of Heartbreak which has fully displayed the features of the postmodernism works。 75092

This paper mainly adopts the literature analysis method to analyze the postmodernism factors of this work through three aspects, namely the usage of black humor, sarcasms, and the literary allusions and the theme of this paper is to reflect the spiritual wasteland of the modern westerners。 This paper focuses on the analysis of the usage of black humor, sarcasms, as well as the literary allusions to further analyze the postmodernism factors reflected by this work, and how they reflect the post-modernism ideas。 

This research can help the readers to better appreciate about the postmodernism novels and deepen their understanding about the work and promote the popularity and application of the postmodernism in literature。 Besides, the research on postmodernism can help the writers to better master the postmodernism writing techniques through analyzing the writing skills and understanding the writing theory。 As a result, the writers can apply these writing skills more flexibly in writing, and in this way, the postmodernism literatures can be pushed forward。 At last, the research of postmodernism novels can deepen our understanding about the current society。 Since nearly all the current postmodernism works show the critical attitude towards the society。 Thus, the postmodernism works which regard our objective world as an unreasonable and chaotic world that is full of cynicism and doubts can wake people up to some extent。 

Keywords: More Die of Heartbreak, postmodernism, spiritual wasteland

摘要《更多人死于心碎》是美国作家索尔贝娄的作品,它并不为人们所熟知。迄今为止, 国内外有关贝娄及其作品的各种评论层出不穷, 但研究重点主要集中在对《赫索格》及《勿失良辰》等最主要的代表作品的主题、技巧及人物分析上, 而对充分展示了其后现代zhuyi特色的优秀作品《更多的人死于心碎》的研究则相对较少。

本文将采用文献研究的方法,从黑色幽默、讽刺以及文学典故的使用等三个方面来解读小说《更多的人死于心碎》中的后现代zhuyi因素, 旨在反映现代西方人生存的精神荒原。本文着重分析《更多的人死于心碎》这部小说中黑色幽默的使用、讽刺以及文学典故的使用, 进而论述作品的后现代zhuyi因素,以及他们是如何表达后现代zhuyi思想的。




1。 Introduction

2。 Literature Review

2。1 Related studies abroad

2。2 Related studies in china

3。 The analysis of More Die of Heartbreak from the perspective of post-modernism 后现代主义视角下《更多的人死于心碎》现代西方人的精神荒原:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_85907.html
