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时间:2021-12-31 10:08来源:英语论文
Research of English Underachievers‘Transformation in Junior High School from the Perspective of Attribution Theory,英语论文归因理论视角下对初中英语后进生的转化研究

Research of English Underachievers’ Transformation in Junior High School from the Perspective of Attribution Theory

Abstract Attribution is a process of inference, judgment, or interpretation of the behavior of oneself or others。 And the reasonable use of attribution theory will be very helpful for students to make progress。 This paper explains the definition of the underachievers, and makes a rough introduction about the development, the representatives and thoughts of attribution theory。 Besides, it makes an analysis of the forming reasons for underachievers in English in junior high school from four aspects: social reasons, school reasons, family reasons and personal reasons。 And it makes a discussion about the relationship between underachievers’ transformation and attribution, analyzing the attribution characteristics of underachievers in English in junior high school。 This paper expounds that in order to transform underachievers in English in junior high school, teachers need to correct their attributions, finding reasons from themselves firstly, and then try to use attribution theory to instruct underachievers to attribute correctly and positively, try to use attribution theory to build underachievers' confidence, stimulate underachievers' enthusiasm for learning and use attribution theory to build sense of self-efficacy for underachievers。76524

Keywords: underachievers; attribution theory; English learning; transform; junior high school


摘    要归因是一种对自己或他人行为的原因进行推测、判断或解释的过程。韦纳的归因理论在提出并被证实后就得到了广泛的应用。在学习方面,合理地利用归因理论将为学生的进步给予很大的帮助。本文解释了后进生的定义;介绍了归因理论主要的发展,代表人物和思想。另外文章从社会因素、学校因素、家庭因素以及个人因素四个方面分析了初中英语后进生形成的原因。并且在对后进生转化与归因理论的关系的讨论中对初中英语后进生的归因特征进行了了解分析;认为转化初中英语后进生,教师首先需要端正自己的归因方式,从自己身上找原因,然后指导学生进行正确积极的归因,帮助学生通过积极的归因建立自信心,激发学习兴趣,产生自我效能感。



1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Significance of the Thesis 2

1。3 Organization of the Thesis 2

2。 Literature Review 4

2。1 Development of Attribution Theory 4

2。2 Studies of Underachievers’ Transformation 6

3。 Forming Reasons for the Underachievers in English in Junior High School 8

3。1 Social Reasons 8

3。2 School Reasons 8

3。3 Family Reasons 9

3。4 Personal Reasons 9

4。 Underachievers’ Transformation and Attribution Theory 9

4。1 Attribution Characteristics of Junior High School Underachievers。 10

4。2 Enlightenments to Underachievers’ Transformation from Attribution Theory 归因理论视角下对初中英语后进生的转化研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_87792.html
