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时间:2021-12-09 20:43来源:英语论文
An Analysis of Holden’s Contradictory Psychology in The Catcher in the Rye by Using Freud's Theory of Personality,英语论文弗洛伊德的人格理论与《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的矛盾心理

An Analysis of Holden’s Contradictory Psychology in The Catcher in the Rye by Using Freud's Theory of Personality

Abstract The Catcher in the Rye, written by J。 D。 Salinger, is regarded as the American typical modern Bildungsroman in twenties century’s literature。 In this novel, the leading character Holden is a troubled teenager in the transition of childhood to adulthood who always fails the exam, smokes, drinks and uses abusive language。 However, he is not willing to follow the crowd and tries to escape from the indignant world。 This thesis consists of three parts。 The first part is introduction, which mainly introduces the background of the novel and literature review。 The second part is the body, which includes four chapters: chapter one makes a brief introduction of Holden’s personality which consists of id, ego and superego based on Freud’s theory; the second chapter is the depiction of contradictory psychology of Holden which has shown to different people; the third chapter is the explanation of contradictory psychology in Freud’s theory and we can find the pain of Holden according to it; the last chapter is about the three reasons why he has cultivated such personality。 And the third part is the conclusion。 All in all, the thesis is going to use Freud’s theory to analyze Holden’s ambivalence。 The psychological contradiction just brings Holden so much pain and the reason of this is that Holden believes in superego but can’t achieve, detesting id but can’t abandon, and having the weak ego that can’t balance the superego and id,which is still very common for adolescents even nowadays and more attention should be drawn to it。75232

Key words: contradictory psychology; personality; id; ego; superego; 


摘要《麦田里的守望者》是美国著名隐遁作家J。D。赛格林的著作,它被视为美国20世纪经典成长书籍。 在小说中, 男主人公霍尔顿在儿童到成人的这一转变中成为了一个问题青年, 他经常考试不及格, 抽烟,喝酒还说脏话。但是, 他却不愿随波逐流在这肮脏的社会, 甚至意图逃离。论文共分为三个部分。第一个部分为引言, 主要介绍小说的背景和文献综述。第二部分包括四章。第一章在弗洛伊德人格理论的基础上对霍尔顿的自我本我超我进行简要分析。第二章主要描述霍尔顿的矛盾心理和对不同人展现出来的矛盾行为。第三章主要用弗洛伊德人格理论来分析霍尔顿的矛盾心理和由此产生的痛苦。最后一章是从社会,学校和家庭方面来解释霍尔顿人格不稳定的原因。最后一部分是总结,霍尔顿因为追求超我但无法满足,厌弃本我却又无法割舍, 又没有一个强大的自我进行协调而产生了严重的矛盾心理并且感到非常痛苦。即使在当今社会这对很多青少年来说都是一个很大的问题,我们要更关注于青少年的人格发展。



1 Introduction 1

2 Holden’s personality 2

2。1 id of Holden 2

2。3 Superego of Holden 3

3 The contradictory psychology of Holden 4

3。 1 to the people he likes 4

3。 2 To the People He Detests 5

4 Explanation of the Contradictory Psychology in Freud’s Theory。 6

4。1 The Tendency of His Personality Facing Different People 弗洛伊德的人格理论与《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的矛盾心理:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_86091.html
