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时间:2021-10-12 19:32来源:英语论文
The Effect of Applying Multiple Intelligences Theory in the English Teaching of Secondary Schools,英语论文运用多元智能理论指导初中英语教学的影响

The Effect of Applying Multiple Intelligences Theory in the English Teaching of Secondary Schools Abstract In China, for a long time, English teaching always focus on teaching language knowledge and testing students’ linguistic and logic-mathematical ability or intelligences, but ignore other intelligences。 And in class teaching, teachers prefer using the teacher-centered method and spoon-feeding teaching method to teach students vocabulary, grammar and sentences。 This article mainly, from the perspectives of psychology and pedagogy, discusses the impact of multiple intelligences theory on education ideas and teaching practice of English in China。 It aims to find effective ways of English teaching under the guidance of multiple intelligence theory。 

In order to gain a global view of the current situation of multiple intelligences (MI) among secondary school students, the author designed the following questions: (1) Whether teaching methods that based on the Multiple Intelligences Theory can improve the students' English achievements, and optimize English teaching?  (2) Whether MIT-based English teaching can promote students to balance the development of multiple intelligences or not?72779

By means of MI questionnaire and English learning interest questionnaire, this thesis employed quantitative research method and was administered among 72 students, in Grade 9 of Xixi Middle School。 

The main findings of this study are as follows: (1) The overall score of MI among secondary school students belongs to the level of ambiguity。 In other words, their disposition of multiple intelligences was not definite。 (2) Students’ MI and English achievement of the students are closely correlated with each other。 (3) Students’ learning interests can be aroused through MIT-based English teaching。 (4) The MIT-based English teaching is helpful in improving student’s English achievement。 

Based on the general information about students’ MI, English teachers may understand their students better and find out the proper ways to help them improve their English learning。 And also teachers can help students be all-around developed by providing a well-rounded educational design。

Key words: MIT; MI; Secondary school students; English achievement; Interest



为了了解中学生的多元智能总体概况,作者设计了以下问题: (1)基于多元智能理论的教学方法是否能提高学生的英语成绩,和优化英语教学? (2)基于多元智能的英语教学是否能平衡促进学生多元智能的发展?

本篇论文采用定量研究的方法,运用多元智能调查问卷调查表中文修订版及英语学习兴趣问卷调查表,对西溪中学初三年级 72 名学生进行了调查。

此次实验结果主要如下:(1) 中学学生多元智能测量的总体得分中属于模棱两可的水平。换句话说,他们的多元智能倾向并不明确。(2)学生的多元智能情况和其英语学习成就彼此密切相关。(3)学生学习兴趣在多元智能理论指导的课堂中可以得到提升。(4)多元智能理论指导下的英语教学有助于提高学生的英语成绩。

通过掌握的学生的多元智能的情况,英语教师可以更好地了解学生,找出合适的方法来帮助他们提高他们的英语学习。同时教师可以提供一个全面的教育设计来帮助学生全面发展。 运用多元智能理论指导初中英语教学的影响:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_82862.html
