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时间:2021-11-21 20:15来源:英语论文
From A Man to A Hero Studying on the Changing of Oskar Schindler,英语论文《辛德勒名单》从普通人到英雄

From A Man to A Hero——Studying on the Changing of Oskar Schindler Abstract Schindler’s List is a 1993 American epic historical period drama film, directed by Steven Spielberg, which based on the novel Schindler's Ark written by Thomas Keneally, an Australian novelist。 It tells a true story about how the German Businessman Oskar Schindler, under the perilous contexts, and even at the risk of his own life, contrives to save more than 1200 Jews from the concentration camps in Nazi-occupied Poland during the Second World War。 While portraying the Schindler’s heroism and glory, the film also shows his weaknesses and shortcomings as an ordinary person。 Greatness of humanity is fully displayed in the film。74668

The introduction part gives an overview of Schindler’s List’s position in the world, the critical research of Schindler’s List, and point out the idea of interpreting the changes of Schindler。

Part one states the process of Schindler’s changing and the important events that relate with it。 

Part two analyzes the reasons of which caused Schindler’s changing。 And illustrate three reasons, including the function of Stern and Goeth, Schindler’s character, and the basic line of moral Schindler has。

The conclusion part gives an overview of the above two parts。 By the analyzing of the film Schindler’s List, we witness the cruelty of war, the helplessness of the Jews, the harmony and conflicts among people。 But we can do all we can to make our lives different。 Facing our weakness, only by doing well, and transcending ourselves can we become the hero of ourselves。

Keyword: Schindler’s List, Changing, humanity, hero


摘  要《辛德勒名单》改编自澳大利亚小说家托马斯•肯尼利所著的《辛德勒方舟》,是1993年由史蒂文•斯皮尔伯格导演的一部史诗级电影。它再现了二战时辛德勒不顾自身安危从纳粹手下救出了1200多犹太人的故事。电影在塑造辛德勒英雄的光辉形象时也展现了他作为普通人的弱点与短处。电影处处体现着人性的伟大。





毕业论文关键词:《辛德勒名单》, 转变, 人性, 英雄


1。Introduction 1

2。The Changing of Schindler 1

2。1A Wily German businessman 2

2。2 Recovering Humanity 2

2。3 Becoming A Hero 2

3。The Reasons of Schindler’s Changing 1

3。1 The Influences from Itzhak Stern and Amon Goeth 2

3。2 Schindler’s Basic Line of Human Morals 2

3。3 Schindler’s Characters 2

4。Conclusion 1

References 《辛德勒名单》从普通人到英雄:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_85324.html
