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时间:2021-11-13 19:27来源:英语论文
A Contrastive Analysis of Cultural Values Reflected in Chinese and American Public Service Advertisements,英语论文中美公益广告文化价值观对比研究

摘要公益广告以其独特的形式传达社会、国家的精神面貌和价值观。作为承担社会价值体系的载体,为促进社会文化建设做贡献。本文从价值取向理论的角度出发,通过比较中美 两国的公益广告,强调因两国的历史,社会因素以及经济发展的不同,体现出文化价值观 上的差异。中美两国广告上都运用以人为本,责任为重。中国公益广告呈集体性,受儒家 文化影响颇深中国的文化注重整体凝聚力和集体意识,反映在中国大多数的广告语中便是 爱国zhuyi,恋家情节和集体归属感。并强调先做人后做事,在处理人与自然的关系时,普 遍是和谐的,讲究天人合一。而美国公益广告呈个体性,美国文化盛行个人zhuyi,强调个 性自由及个人成就。因此,美国广告中反映的一般是独立性,与众不同,竞争意识和自我 价值实现,并且强调通过做事来实现自我价值,在处理人与自然的关系时,普遍持有“人 高于自然”的观点,认为人可以战胜自然。 74295

毕业论文关键词公益广告文化价值观 价值取向 

Title A Contrastive Analysis of CulturalValues Reflected in Chineseand American Public Service Advertisements

Abstract With its unique effect, Public Service Advertisements play an important role in popularizing the spirit and cultural value of a nation and society。 Through the theory of “Value Orientation”, this thesis compares Public Service Advertisements of China and America, aiming to find out differences in culture values that caused by different history, social elements and economic conditions。 Public Service Advertisements from both countries focus on people-oriented and emphasize on responsibility。 By the profound influence of Confucian culture, Chinese culture focus on overall cohesion and collective consciousness, which reflected in most of China's advertising language is patriotism, homesick plot and sense of belonging。 And emphasize to be a good man first, leading a harmony relationship with nature, which means harmony between human and nature。 On the contrary, American Public Service Advertisements contain the inpidualistic, emphasizing certain things, which can achieve personal values。American culture prevalent inpidualism, emphasizing inpidual freedom and personal achievement。 Therefore, which reflected in advertising is generally independence, competition consciousness and self-value realization, they emphasizes through the work to achieve self-worth, and prefer the idea of “mastery over nature”。 They always hold the idea that they can overcome the nature。

Keywords: Public Service Advertisementscultural valuesvalue orientation 

Table of Contents

1。 Introduction 1

1。1 PublicServiceAdvertisement 2

1。2 2 C u l t u r a l V a l u e s 3

1。3 ResearchMethodandObjective 4

1。4 Structure 4

2。 LiteratureReview 5

2。1 StudiesAbroad 5
