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时间:2020-01-17 11:22来源:英语论文
Modality and attitude: discourse analysis of BBC and VOA reports on Sino-Japanese relationship,BBC和VOA中日关系新闻报道语篇分析情态和态度

Acknowledgements My appreciation goes to a number of people for their invaluable contributions, direct or indirect, to assisting me accomplish my thesis. 

I would like to express my warmest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor for his instant, patient, and enlightening instructions. Thanks also goes to his generosity in spending so much time and energy helping me figure out the problems I encounter at every stage of my thesis. Every time I finished one stage of my thesis, he revised my work carefully. His precise and responsible attitude toward every detail of my writing perfects my thesis and encourages me to be cautious in writing my thesis.44159

I shall extend my thanks to seniors, my roommates, and friends who give my advice and inspirations for my thesis.  

 Modality and Attitude:Discourse analysis of VOA and BBC reports on Sino-Japanese relationship

Abstract Modality is a means for the speaker to express viewpoints on validity of the assertion and judgments of the proposals. Halliday subpides modality into four orientations which are explicit objective orientation, explicit subjective orientation, implicit objective orientation, and implicit subjective orientation. Modality orientations are realized in different ways according to the degree of the speaker’s responsibility of the utterance. Since English is the most widely used language in the world, the impact of America and western countries on news is stronger than China’s. It is possible that the national image of China is discursively constructed by the foreign reporters so as to help Japan win supports. 30 VOA and BBC reports on Sino-Japanese relationship are collected as samples. The study explores the role of modal expressions in different orientations by calculating the rate of different kinds of modal expressions and further discusses VOA and BBC journalists’ attitudes towards these two countries for the long-lasting conflicts between them. The results demonstrate that VOA and BBC reports are inclined to adopt implicit subjective orientation and sustain Japan instead of China.

Keywords: Sino-Japanese relationship; modality; image; attitude





1. Introduction 2

1.1 Literature Review 2

1.1.1 Studies on news report 2

1.1.2 Studies on modality 3

1.2 Research purposes and significances 4

1.3 Research questions 4

1.4 Thesis structure BBC和VOA中日关系新闻报道语篇分析情态和态度:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_45353.html
