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时间:2021-11-02 19:08来源:英语论文
A Case Study of the Stylistic Analysis of TED Speeches,英语论文TED演讲语体分析案例研究

A Case Study of the Stylistic Analysis of TED Speeches Abstract Briefly, English public speeches are now very common。 Public speaking is a very popular art that everyone can participate。 The language in speech presents the characteristics of speakers and a language form between spoken language and written language。 Meanwhile, the Internet has become a very important tool for people to search information。 Public speaking began to record as short videos and upload on the Internet。 So many famous speeches can be seen and learned on the Internet, and some on-line speeches programs become very popular。73643

TED speeches invites different kinds of people to give speech to the public, and the video of the speeches will put on Ted’s official websites。 The speeches in TED are 5mins to 20mins long and audience can easily understand by the subtitle given by TED。 So it also becomes a very popular educational resource because of its topic and speakers’ speech skills。 To do a stylistic analysis can help people understand better and deeper。

Here in this paper, using Do Schools Kill Creativity as an example, I make the stylistic analysis of its speech content and try to find out how it can help the English educators and English learners。

Keywords: stylistic analysis; TED speech; implication 


摘  要英语公用演讲现在作为英语学习的一部分已经变的非常普遍,这是一项任何人都能够有机会参与的活动。演讲语言作为一种特殊的语体,介于书写语和口语之间。而于此同时,互联网的出现以及传播让这些现场演讲能够被现场以外的观众熟悉。因此一些演讲被录成视频上传到互联网上,而一些演讲视频网站开始越来越受欢迎。

TED 演讲提供不同类型、主题和风格的演讲视频,时间基本控制在5-20分钟之间,而观众也能根据不同语言的字幕很好的理解演讲内容。因此TED演讲也变成一个非常受欢迎的英语学习资源和训练提升英语学习者演讲能力的工具。而关于TED演讲的语体分析能够帮助学习者和教育者更好地理解内容。


毕业论文关键词:语体分析; TED演讲;启示


I。 Introduction 1

1。2 Research Purpose 1

1。3 Research Significance 1

1。4 Framework of the paper 2

II。 Literature Review 3

2。1 Notion of public speech 3

2。2 The previous studies of stylistic analysis of public speech 3

2。3 The previous Studies of TED speeches 4

2。4 Conclusion 5

III。 Methodology 5

3。1 Research Questions 6

3。2 Research Methods 6

VI。 Results 6

4。1 The Rhetorical Features Analysis 7

4。2 The Lexical Analysis 9

4。3 The Syntactic Feature Analysis 11

V。 Conclusion 12

5。1 Findings 13

5。2 Suggestions TED演讲语体分析案例研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_84046.html
