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时间:2021-10-12 20:32来源:英语论文
On the Translation of Body-related Idioms from the Perspective of Relevance Theory,英语论文从关联理论角度看英汉人体习语的翻译

On the Translation of Body-related Idioms from the Perspective of Relevance Theory

Abstract Due to their vividness, brevity and beautifulness, idioms are widely used in many languages。 As a large part of idioms, body-related idioms attract more and more attention embodied with abundant culture and national flavors。 Owing to the difference of background in geography, history as well as religion between languages, difficulties in body-related idiom translation exists in practice。 So it’s a hard job for translators to accurately transform the body image and convey the exact intention of speaker to achieve the efficient communication。72799

Relevance theory opens a new perspective for idiom translation, considering the communication as an ostensive-inferential process。 Regarded as an inter-cultural communication, it has a powerful explanation on translation。 This thesis will offer an exploration of relevance theory and clarify the characteristics of English and Chinese body-related idioms。 After exploring the translatability of body-related idioms on the basis of Relevance Theory, some strategies and methods are offered to achieve the optimal relevance on translation。

Key Words: body-related idiom; Relevance Theory; translation strategies


摘  要由于习语的生动、精炼和优美,它被广泛地运用在不同语言中。人体习语,作为习语中庞大的一部分,富含浓厚的文化内涵和民族风味,正吸引着越来越多的关注。因为地理、历史和宗教等背景在语言中的差异,人体习语翻译实践仍是困难重重。所以对于译者来说,要精确地转化身体意象、传达作者的真实意图来达到有效交流,是个艰巨的任务。




1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Research Background 1

1。2 Significance of the Research 2

1。3 Structure of the Study 2

2。 Literature Review 2

2。1 An Overview of Relevance Theory 2

2。2 Related Studies on the Application of Relevance Theory into Translation 3

2。2。1 Application of Relevance Theory in Translation Abroad 3

2。2。2 Application of Relevance Theory in Translation in China 3

2。3 Related Studies on the Translation of Idioms 4

3。 A Study of Body-related Idioms Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory 5

3。1 Definitions of Idioms 5

3。1。1 Definitions of Idioms in English 5

3。1。2 Definitions of Idioms in Chinese 6

3。2 Characteristics of English and Chinese Body-related Idioms 6

3。2。1 Common Characteristics of English and Chinese Body-related Idioms 6

3。2。2 Different Characteristics of English and Chinese Body-related Idioms 7

3。3 Body-related Idioms Translation from the Perspective of Relevance Theory 从关联理论角度看英汉人体习语的翻译:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_82886.html
