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时间:2020-09-18 10:55来源:英语论文
Comparison and Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization Tendencies on Translation of Buddhist Culture Factors in Two Versions of Hong Loumeng,英语论文《红楼梦》两译本中佛教文化因素翻译归化异化倾向对比与分析

Abstract Translation is not only the process of turning one language into another but also the process of transplanting one culture into another. It is an important approach for the people of different cultural background to understand national culture of target language. Religious culture running through Hong Loumeng shows the profoundity and persity of Chinese Culture. Religious and cultural image translation makes foreign readers have a deeper understanding of Chinese Buddhist culture. This article mainly wrote the translation of the Buddhist culture factors in Hong Loumeng, including the origin of Buddhism and its reflection, the translation of religious culture image in two versions (the Yang’ and Hawkes’), and this article is especially focused on the comparison and analysis of domestication and foreignization tendencies on the translation of Buddhist culture factors in two versions.56299

Key words: religious culture; Buddhism; religious culture image; domestication; foreignization

摘要翻译是语言之间的转换,也是一种文化的移植过程, 是让其他民族了解本民族文化的重要途径。《红楼梦》中的宗教文化贯穿始终,表现出中国传统文化的博大精深。宗教文化意象的翻译使得外国读者更加深入的了解中国佛教文化。本文主要写了《红楼梦》中佛教文化因素的翻译,包括佛教起源及其反映、宗教文化意象在两译本(即杨译本和霍译本)中的翻译,而且本文的重点在于从归化异化角度对两译本中宗教文化因素翻译进行对比与分析,并得出结论。

毕业论文关键词:宗教文化;佛教;宗教文化意象;归化; 异化


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 A Brief Introduction on Domestication and Foreignization 1

2.2 Previous Translation Studies on Hong Loumeng 2

3. Buddhist and Hong Loumeng 3

3.1 Buddhist Culture in Hong Loumeng 3

3.2 The Translation of Buddhist Culture Image in Hong Loumeng 4

4. The Comparison and Analysis of Domestication and Foreignization Tendencies on Translation of Buddhist Culture Factors in Yang’ and Hawkes’ Versions 5

4.1 The Translation of Good Song 5

4.2 The Translation of Miaoyu Judgment 6

4.3 Other Related Examples on Buddhist Culture Translations 7

5. Conclusion 9

Works Cited 11

1. Introduction

Nowadays, Hong Loumeng has been translated into many versions of different languages and widespread throughout the world. The translator encountered sorts of problems in the translation process due to the persity of culture, and it is also a challenge for the translator to choose a suitable and appropriate translation strategy in the process of translation. Religious culture running through Hong Loumeng shows the profoundity and persity of Chinese Culture. Religious and cultural image translation makes foreign readers have a deeper understanding of Chinese Buddhist culture. Culture is the barrier for the people with different cultural background to understand the target language. The translator’s purpose is to remove these barriers as much as possible without ignoring the communication and dissemination of culture. A competent translator can maximally keep the original source, fully consider the readers’ taste, and integrate culture with translation.

2. Literature Review

2.1 A Brief Introduction on Domestication and Foreignization 《红楼梦》两译本中佛教文化因素翻译归化异化倾向对比与分析:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_60810.html
