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时间:2020-08-21 15:21来源:英语论文
Parents’ Traditional Values and the Differences of Family Education Between China and America,英语论文从父母传统价值观看中西方家庭教育差异

Abstract What is known to us is that family is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for their children. What’s more, parents are the windows for children to know the society and the world. Therefore, parents’ traditional values play an important role in their children’s growth. There are many types of family education in the world and each of them shows distinctive features and is closely responsive to its traditional value and historical background, economic patterns, social conditions, and education system affect parents’ traditional values. In this paper, to begin with, I compare the two countries’ differences of parents’ traditional values, and then analyzes the causes leading to the differences. The different results of traditional values between China and America are mentioned, too. What’s more, it comes up with some problems in today’s Chinese family education. Last but not least, some suggestions to solve these problems are also provided.

Key words: family education; traditional values; differences between China and America54560

摘 要众所周知,家庭是孩子生活的第一所学校,父母是孩子的第一任老师。更甚者,父母是孩子认识社会和世界的窗口。因此,父母的传统价值观对孩子们的成长起到了非常重要的作用。世界上有许多类型的家庭教育,它们中的每一个都展示了它们文化的不同特征以及紧密地响应了父母的不同价值观。历史背景,经济模式, 社会状况,教育体系都影响着父母的传统价值观。在这篇论文中,首先比较了两国父母传统价值观的差异并分析了形成这些差异的原因,其次是不同的价值观所产生的不同的家庭教育和当今中国家庭教育所存在的问题也被提出。与此同时,也提供了相对应的建议。



1.Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 1

2.1 Li Xin and the Differences of Family Education between China and America from the Perspective of Culture 1

3. Diffrences of Parents' Traditional Values between China and America 3

3.1 Different concepts of family education 3

3.2 Different aims of family education 4

3.3 Different opinions about children’s growth process 4

3.4 Different ways of developing children’s mental quality 5

3.5 Different ways of developing children’s creativity 5

4. The Reasons for the Differences of Parents’ Traditional Values between China and America 6

4.1 Different historical background 6

4.2 Different economic patterns 6

4.3 Different social conditions 6

4.4 Different education systems 6

5. The Different Results of Parents’ Traditional Values between China and America 7

5.1 Ability of adapting to the society 8

5.2 Ability of living independently 8

 5.3 Interpersonal relationships 8

5.4 Responsibility of supporting the old 8

5.5 The relationship among family menbers 9

5.6 The attitudes towards money 从父母传统价值观看中西方家庭教育差异:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_58783.html
