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时间:2020-08-15 17:48来源:英语论文
A Brief Analysis on the Humor in Chinese Advertisements from the Perspective of Violating the Cooperative Principle,英语论文从违反合作原则视角浅析中文广告中的幽默

Abstract Advertising has already penetrated into every corner of our society and gradually become an essential part of people’s daily life. In this case, in order to meet people’s aesthetic and psychological needs, advertising has changed from a rigid and boring style to a more flexible and attractive model. Therefore, humorous advertising becomes prosperous. The study on humor has originated from the Aristotle era and draws much attention of the scholars from multi-disciplines. Since the 1950s, the study on the application of humor has begun to make a conspicuous figure, including the humorous words in oral communication, the humorous text in famous works, and the subtitle translations of humorous films and so on. This thesis is intended to briefly analyze the humor in Chinese advertisements from the perspective of violating the Cooperative Principle. On the one hand, the conclusion this paper has come to is able to help consumers understand overtones of humorous advertisements and avoid being tempted into buying some poor-quality products by some deceptive advertisements. On the other hand, it offers a wider way for advertising designers to create excellent ads. 54054

Key Words: advertising; humor; the Cooperative Principle




1. Introduction 1

2. Literature Review 2

3. Brief Introduction of Advertising 3

3.1 Definition of advertising 3

3.2 Classification of advertising 4

4. Humor and Humor Theory 4

4.1 Definition of humor 5

4.2 General review of humor 5

5. The Theory of the Cooperative Principle 7

5.1 Notion of the CP 7

5.2 Specifications of the CP 7

5.3 Flouting of the CP 8

6. Realization of Humor in Chinese Advertising by Flouting the CP 9

6.1 Flouting the Maxim of Quantity 10

6.2 Flouting the Maxim of Quality 11

6.3 Flouting the Maxim of Relation 12

6.4 Flouting the Maxim of Manner 13

7. Conclusion 14

Works Cited 16 

1. Introduction  

Thanks to the development of science and media, advertising has taken an increasingly important place in our daily life. As we all know, advertising, a special kind of bridge, connects merchants with consumers. Or it may be regarded as a one-way communication, which means that consumers received the information that advertisers want to convey without the process of exchanging messages. As a result, advertising needs to be more interesting and attractive so that people can be persuaded to purchase the products. As a result, humorous advertising attracts people’s attention. 从违反合作原则视角浅析中文广告中的幽默:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_58252.html
