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时间:2020-08-07 16:14来源:英语论文
A Study on Howard Goldblatt’s Translation of Red Sorghum from the Perspective of Rewriting Theory,英语论文从改写理论角度看葛浩文《红高粱家族》英译本研究

Abstract Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu studied in this paper is one of Mo Yan's masterpieces, who is the Nobel Price in literature winner. Mo Yan breaks traditional sequence of time and plot of logic in the whole novel. The narrative style is extremely liberal. The English version Red Sorghum, translated by Goldblatt, a famous American sinologist, wins high praise around the world. It has been regarded as the Chinese translated work with both faithfulness and readability.

 In Goldblatt's translation, there are a number of rewriting phenomena. The study reviews Lefevere's rewriting theory and the three factors of influencing rewriting theory in this paper. Besides, the research analyzes the rewriting phenomena during the course of translating Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu by analyzing and comparing the specific contents between the original and translation, and sums up Goldblatt's rewriting strategies for the corresponding rewriting phenomena.53666

Key Words: Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu; Translation; Rewriting    Theor

摘要本文所研究的《红高粱家族》是2012年诺贝尔文学奖获得者莫言著名的代表作品之一。整篇小说莫言打破传统的时空顺序与情节逻辑,叙述风格非常自由散漫。由美国著名汉学家葛浩文翻译英文版 Red Sorghum 受到广泛好评,被认为是集忠实性与可读性为一身的当代中国小说翻译作品。


毕业论文关键词: 《红高粱家族》; 翻译;改写理论


1. Introduction 1

2. Literature review 3

2.1 A Brief Introduction to Mo Yan and Hong Gao Liang Jia Zu 3

2.2 A Brief Introduction to Howard Goldblatt and Red Sorghum 3

2.3 A Brief Introduction to Lefevere’s Rewriting Theory 5

2.4 Previous Studies on Rewriting Theory and Its Application in Translation Studies 6

3. Methodology 7

3.1 Data Sources 7

3.2 Research Method 7

4 Rewriting in the Translation of Red Sorghum 7

4.1 Ideological Rewriting in the Translation of Red Sorghum 7

4.2 Poetic Rewriting in the Translation of Red Sorghum 9

4.3 The Effects of the Rewriting 11

5. Discussion 12

6.Conclusion 13

Works Cited 15

 1. Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

Traditional translation studies regard translation as a conversion between two languages. In that case, translation is entirely confined to the text analysis and language reference. However, translation, as a communicative activity across language and culture, is not just a mechanical conversion between the source language and target language. In 1980s, the emphasis of the translation studies was changed from the language level to cultural level, which is “cultural turn”.

Translation activity is doomed to be influenced by a number of social and cultural factors, such as translation purpose, object, text type and translation acceptable environmental and so on. The social and cultural factors out of language, such as power and ideology, are listed in the category of translation study, which has provided a broad and brand new field of vision for the research of translation theory. This greatly promotes the development of the study of translation theory. Rewriting theory, as a representative, is a kind of descriptive and systematic translation theory centered on translation from the cultural point of view, which is different from traditional research methods and emphasis. 从改写理论角度看葛浩文《红高粱家族》英译本研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_57812.html
