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时间:2019-09-11 19:24来源:英语论文
The Features and Translation Of English News Headlines ,英语论文英语新闻标题的特征及其翻译

摘 要在当今社会,新闻逐渐成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。标题是新闻的重要组成部分。本文以英语新闻标题为切入点,对英语新闻标题的特征及翻译策略进行探讨。英语新闻标题具有简洁,生动的特点,研究发现英语新闻标题的翻译策略有直译、意译、增译等。本文希望更好地指导英语新闻标题的翻译,以能帮助读者在阅读英语新闻时能快速抓住重点,理解新闻内容。40717
毕业论文关键词:新闻标题; 特征; 翻译;
Abstract In today's society,the news become an indispensable part of people's daily life, and the headline is an important part of the news. The paper studies the features and translation techniques of English news headline. The features of the English headline is concise, vivid and the ways of translation are literal translation, free translation and increased translation. The paper hope through the study about the features and the ways of translation, It will help the reader seize the point of the news and understanding the news more critically.
Key words: English news headlines; Features; Translation
The Features and Translation Of English News Headlines
摘 要    i
Abstract    ii
Ⅰ. Introduction    1
Ⅱ. The Features of English News Headlines    2
2.1 An Overview of English News Headlines    2
2.2 The Lexical Features    3
2.3 The Grammatical Features    4
2.4 The Rhetorical Features    6
Ⅲ. The Techniques of Translating English News Headlines    8
3.1 Literal Translation    9
3.2 Liberal Translation    9
3.3 The Amplification Translation    9
3.4 The Omission Translation    10
3.5 Punctuation Strategy    10
Ⅳ. Conclusion    10
Bibliography    12
Acknowledgments    13
I. Introduction

With the progress of the society, more and more Chinese people contact with English newspapers and magazines through different ways, the number of people who interested in English newspapers and magazines is rising. But people have the same feeling of the hard understanding News headlines while reading. News headlines can be compared to the showcase of the shops, its purpose is to attract the reader’s attention, pass information to them in time. As a conclusion of this, the title in the form, content and morphology syntax, ext aspect, is forming a kind of special “title language”.
An English newspaper has large information, but usually the readers’ time is limited. They pick up a newspaper always want to find the main contact and inpiduals interested quickly. Therefore, the newspaper title is a good guide, because the title is highly summarized the content of the article. It use succinct words concentrated the most significant and most notable content of the news. The readers browsing title can also slightly know some of the major events occurred at home or abroad in their busy life.
For English learners, News English is a kind of very good materials for them to learn the contemporary English, and understand the development of English. English news headline as “open the door of the pen that nods eyeball” to the news report, When we are in translation ,we should think carefully, understand correctly, and follow certain principles and laws, make full use of the rich Chinese vocabulary, make the translation vivid and accurate, the sentence is smooth appreciate ,causes the reader to be clear at a glance.
This paper mainly discuss about the features and translation of English news headlines. In the first part, the paper will give a brief introduction to the language of the features and translation of news headlines. The second part is the feature of English news headlines. which will introduce the lexical characteristics the grammar characteristics and the rhetoric characteristic In the third part, the paper will introduce the techniques of translating English. include the literal translation, the liberal translation the amplification translation and the omission translation. In the last part, this paper will make a conclusion. And this research mainly uses the close-reading, text analysis, comparative method. 英语新闻标题的特征及其翻译:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_39136.html