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时间:2023-06-20 22:16来源:英语论文
The Analysis of Classroom Instruction of English Educational Students in Zhejiang Province,英语论文浙江省英语师范生课堂指示语的研究

The analysis of Classroom Instruction of English Educational students in Zhejiang Province

Abstract Teacher talk has been widely studied by researches。 However, there is still much room for development。 For instance, classroom instructions, as an important part of teacher talk, has been less studied。 And the researches of CI of English educational students are hardly done。 Classroom instructions play a significant role in the EFL classroom。 Effective classroom instructions can lead to a better class。89187

This study which is based on transcriptions from 17 videos of English educational students in Zhejiang Province tries to analyze the classroom instructions of them。 The result of the analysis shows that they use Phonetics, Lexical, and Syntactic strategies while giving CI。 Repetition, explanation and Typical exemplification are used after giving CI。 Moreover, this study shows three main ineffective CI: illogicalness, fuzziness in expression and redundant expression。 At the end, some suggestions are given。

Keywords: classroom instructions; strategies; ineffective CI


摘  要教师话语已经被研究者们广泛研究了。但是,这方面的研究仍然有许多待提升的空间。例如,作为教师话语重要的一部分的课堂指导语仍欠缺研究。而针对英语师范生的课堂指导语更是少之又少。课堂指导语在英语课堂里有着十分重要的作用,有效的指导语可以让老师上更好的课。




1。 Introduction 1

1。1 Background 1

1。2 Significance来自优Q尔W论E文R网wWw.YouERw.com 加QQ75201.8766 of this study 1

    1。3 Structures。2

2。 An overview of classroom instructions 3

2。1 Definitions of classroom instructions 3

2。2 The study of Chinese and western scholars on classroom instructions 4

    2。3 Input modifications of TT5

3。 Methodology 8

3。1 Research questions 8

3。2 Samples 8

3。3 Research methods 8

4。 Analysis of case studies 10

4。1 Strategies taken while giving classroom instructions 10

         4。1。1 Phonetics strategies。10

         4。1。2 Lexical strategies。10

4。1。3 Syntactic strategies。11

4。2 Strategies taken after giving classroom instructions 12

         4。2。1 Repetition。12

         4。2。2 Explanation。12

         4。2。3 Typical exemplification。12

4。3 Ineffective instructions 13

         4。3。1 Illogicalness13

         4。3。2 Fuzziness in expression。14 浙江省英语师范生课堂指示语的研究:http://www.youerw.com/yingyu/lunwen_178974.html
