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时间:2022-08-13 20:32来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词  近场辐射 涨落电动力学 并矢格林函数


Title Near-field Radiative Heat Transfer Between Two Semi-infinite Parallel Metal Plates

Abstract With the development of micro/nano technology, near field range heat transfer theory has gradually become the focus of research in the field of heat transfer, due to the present of photon tunneling effect and surface wave phenomenon, traditional heat transfer theory in the macroscale is no longer applicable。 This paper summarized the domestic and foreign research progresses in near field range of heat transfer theory, also a fluctuational electrodynamics by Green's function method is used to study the two semi-infinite parallel plate radiative heat transfer in micro/nano scale。 The near field radiative heat transfer between two semi-infinite metal plate is simulated, and the influence of the distance, temperature and different metal materials on the near field radiation heat transfer is analyzed,The results indicated that The radiation heat transfer between the semi-infinite plate is greatly enhanced in the near field, and the enhancement is concentrated in a spectral band which is related to the properties of the metal。

Keywords  Near-field radiation; fluctuation electrodynamics;    dyadic Green function

目   次

1  引言 1

2  近场热辐射的研究现状 2

2。1 近场热辐射的数值模拟 2

2。2 近场热辐射的实验探究 4

3  理论基础 6

3。1 涨落电动力学 6

3。2并矢格林函数 7

3。3金属的等效介电函数Drude模型 9

4  结果分析与讨论 12

4。1 表面等离激元对辐射传热的影响 13

4。2 真空间隙距离对辐射换热的影响 14

4。3 温度对近场辐射换热的影响 16

4。4 材料种类对近场辐射的影响 18

结  论 20

致  谢 21

参 考 文 献 22

1  引言

    辐射换热作为热交换中的一种重要的方式,其几乎被应用到了生活中的各个方面,近些年来能源问题日渐突出,以热辐射为基础的新能源技术(热光电系统)逐渐得到人们的重视,辐射换热率热成为了热光电系统中一个重要的指标,提高这个指标已成为新能源利用中的重中之重,近场热辐射中所表现出来的强化换热性能为我们提高辐射换热率提供了一条解决之道。本文将对近场热辐射中的平板间理论模型进行一系列探讨。文献综述 两平行金属平板间近场辐射换热计算:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_97802.html
