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时间:2022-09-18 17:09来源:毕业论文

摘 要小水线面双体船的概念诞生于上世纪四十年代,作为新时代的高性能船舶,它由普通的单体船衍生而来,但与普通的单体船相比,他的耐波性更强,横向稳定性更好,更适合高速航行,甲板面积也更宽大,因此该船型以后无论是在军事方面还是在货运客运方面都有着极大的发展潜力。世界上已经有越来越多的国家对他的研究价值给予了极大的关注。84114

本文在一开始从表面波理论,环境载荷和系缆力计算三个方面为后文的研究奠定了理论基础,然后利用 AQWA-Line 建立小水线面双体船的三维几何模型,分析小水线面双体船在不同航行状态下,附加质量,辐射阻尼,运动幅值响应算子(RAO)等水动力参数。从而研究小水线面双体船在规则波浪下的运动状况。之后再利用AQWA-Drift,分析小水线面双体船在被系泊缆固定的情况下,船体的运动状况及系泊缆的受力运动情况。



The concept of small waterplane area twin-hull ship was born in 1940s。As a new era of high performance ships, it derived from the ordinary monohull, but compared with the ordinary monohull, his seakeeping is stronger ,lateral stability is better, more suitable for high speed sailing, deck area is more wide。 So this ship form has a great potential for development in term of military, passenger and the freight。 Today,more and more countries have paid attentions to its research value。

In this paper, from the surface wave theory in the first place, the environment load and mooring force calculation three aspects, we firstly laid a theoretical basis for later research, Then use AQWA - Line to build small a 3 d geometric model of small waterplane area twin-hull ship, analyzing small waterplane area twin hull ships’ sailing on the different condition, added mass, radiation damping, motion response amplitude operator (RAO), and other hydrodynamic parameters。 So can research the small waterplane area twin hull ships under the rules of wave movement condition。 Then use AQWA - Drift, after the analysis of small waterplane catamaran is a fixed mooring line, the movement condition of the hull and the stress of the mooring line movement。

Keywords: SWATH; AQWA; Hydrodynamic performance; Mooring; Coupled analysis in time domain


第一章 绪论 1

1。1研究背景 1

1。2研究现状 2

1。3 码头系泊的概述 4

1。3。1 系泊缆分类 4

1。3。2 系泊船舶环境因素 5

1。4本文主要研究内容 6

第二章 基本理论 7

2。1 引言 7

2。2表面波理论 7

2。2。1 表面波的基本方程和边界条件 7

2。2。2 波浪理论 8

2。2。3 辐射和绕射理论 9

2。2。4 格林函数法 14

2。3 环境载荷的计算 16

2。3。1 波浪载荷 16

2。3。2 风载荷 18

2。3。3 流载荷 18

2。4 系缆力的计算方法 18

第三章 小水线面双体船的水动力频域分析 AQWA-Line小水线面双体船的水动力性能分析:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_99598.html
