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时间:2022-04-04 20:23来源:毕业论文
在对经典微光图像增强方法研究的基础上,借用了在红外图像增强技术中运用十分广泛的DDE(Digital Detail Enhancement)即数字细节增强技术,来进行微光图像增强技术的研究


本文首先介绍微光图像具有的主要特性,对图像数字化表示及灰度直方图的概念做了介绍。结合微光图像以及其直方图,在对经典微光图像增强方法研究的基础上,借用了在红外图像增强技术中运用十分广泛的DDE(Digital Detail Enhancement)即数字细节增强技术,来进行微光图像增强技术的研究。其中还介绍了目前比较成熟的各种算法,例如直方图均衡化,灰度拉伸图像增强等。

毕业论文关键词  微光图像处理 数字细节增强 直方图


Title  Research on Digital Detail Enhancement Technique  for LLL Imaging 

Abstract The low light level imaging technology is very important prospect in medical treatment, astronomical observation, military application and so on。Through the photoelectric effect,the weak light signals are converted to electrical signals,lighting the photo cathode and make it emitting electrons,and taking a way that electric field accelerates the electrons or multiply the number of electrons in a microchannel plate,achieving the effect of signal gain,then the signals are converted into light signals,the electronic bombardment phosphor screen to image,this is of low light level imaging general principle。 

This paper firstly introduces the main characteristics of low light level image,the concept of digital representation of image and gray histogram。Combination of LLL image and its histogram。 Based on the classical LLL image enhancement research methods, borrowing DDE(Digital detail enhancement) which has a wide use in infrared image enhancement,to do research of low light level image enhancement technology 。 It also describes the current relatively mature variety of algorithms, such as histogram equalization, gray stretch image enhancement, etc。。 

Keywords  low light level image processing 、digital detail enhancement、 histogram


1 引言 1

1。1 课题研究背景 1

1。2国内外发展 2

1。2。1 国外发展现状 2

1。2。2 国内发展状况 3

1。3 本文的主要工作 3

2 微光成像主要特性分析 5

2。1微光成像系统的特点 5

2。2对比度特性 5

2。3噪声特性 6

2。4分辨率特性 7

3 微光图像增强的基本算法 8

3。1微光图像数字化 8

3。2微光图像的灰度直方图 9

3。3 灰度拉伸技术 11

3。4 直方图均衡化 13

4 微光成像DDE研究 15

4。1 微光成像DDE技术的来源 15

4。2 DDE技术的内涵 15

4。2。1 图像基频细节分离技术 微光成像DDE技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_91918.html
