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时间:2020-08-28 17:26来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Phase detection of projected grating have an important position in the modern three-dimensional measurement technology. It is using the projected grating projected onto the object surface to get the object height modulation of the phase information, then produce three-dimensional topography of the object by computer. Phase detection of projected grating have some advantage in high accuracy of measurement, measurement speed is quick,non-contact and easy to realize automation in social production. So it will have more applications and experimental research in social production in the future. This paper mainly studied the extraction and phase unwrapping phase that is based on phase detection of projected grating. At the same time, this paper expounds the common method of two phase extraction, three phase unwrapping algorithm is analyzed. Finally this paper analyzes error conditions in the process of measurement.

Key words: phase detection of projected grating, phase extraction, phase unwrapping, the error analysis 

目   录

1 绪论 1

1.1 引言 1

1.2 光学三维测量系统的介绍 1

1.3 光学三维测量的应用领域及发展趋势 3

2 投影栅相位法测量原理及方法 4

2.1 投影栅相位测量原理 4

2.2 常用的投影栅相位法 5

3 投影栅解相法和相位展开法的分析 9

3.1 引言 9

3.2 空间展开法 10

3.3 时间展开法 11

3.4 虚拟复合光栅法 11

4 投影栅测量结果的误差分析 13

4.1 引言 13

4.2 光学成像误差 13

4.3 计算方法误差 14

4.4 标定误差 14

4.5 图像噪声误差 14

4.6 照明误差 15

结论 16

参考文献 17

致谢 18

1 绪论

1.1 引言


同时市场经济的日益发展,也给三维测量技术带来全新的发展机遇。如今,产品的更新换代日新月异,人们的所需量也日益增长。这样的态势就必定要求一种相匹配的测量技术,基于这些原因光学式三维测量技术崛起了。传统的接触式测量本身受到很多因素的制约,包括测量参数的数量需求大,测量的范围有限,测量的误差也较大等,已经远远不能适应工业生产生活的需求。光学三维测量技术无需接触物体就可以获得物体的三维形貌而且测量精度较高、测量速度较快,同时还能自扫描,满足了现代测量的需求。 投影栅相位法测量三维面形的研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_59497.html
