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COB LED灯具温升光衰关系的研究与应用

时间:2019-11-01 18:32来源:毕业论文
采用水冷微通道散热系统散热的COB LED温度会比普通方式散热的COB LED的温度降低70℃左右。在水流速度为0.02m/s时,圆形金属柱状体翅片散热可使COB LED温度比其他模型的温度降低1~2℃

摘要:新时代以来发光二极管的发展十分迅速,以其高集成度、高亮度、长寿命、全彩化、绿色节能等优势成为新世纪最具发展前景、最符合能源发展要求的优质光源。高集成度和高功率带来高亮度,也带来高结温。大量电能转化为热量导致LED结温升高,且严重影响使用寿命,发光效率下降,均匀性和一致性变差,波长红移。控制LED结温使其可靠、有效散热成为LED当前研究的热点问题。散热方式包括热传导、热对流和热辐射等多种方式。而其中对流的研究目前也是在积极地探讨中,而微通道的散热则是近几年大部分公司主要研究LED散热和减少温升光衰的新方式。其中COB LED即chip On board,就是将裸芯片用导电或非导电胶粘附在互连基板上,然后进行引线键合实现其电连接。本课题就是探索研究微通道水冷散热对COB LED温度的影响,从而间接研究其光衰情况。首先比较研究水冷散热给COB LED灯具散热带来的好处,其次比较了不同流速的水流对COB LED降温的效果,得到流速优化方案,第三,比较了在COB LED背面长方形空间不同形状的翅片对结温的影响,得到翅片优化方案。通过不同模型的比较可知,采用水冷微通道散热系统散热的COB LED温度会比普通方式散热的COB LED的温度降低70℃左右。在水流速度为0.02m/s时,圆形金属柱状体翅片散热可使COB LED温度比其他模型的温度降低1~2℃。41745
毕业论文关键词:温升光衰,COB LED结温,LED寿命,微通道散热,水冷散热
Research and application on the relation of the lumens depreciation with temperature rise about COB LED
Abstract: The fourth generation of new light source LED light-emitting diodes (LEDs) since developed after years of development,With its high integration, high brightness, long life, full color, green energy-saving advantages to become the new century, the most the most promising high-quality light source to meet the requirements of energy development. High integration and high brightness, high power and high junction temperature. The restriction of the packaging technology, the LED light extraction efficiency can reach 20%, only a large amount of electrical energy into heat in the LED junction temperature is high, and seriously affect the service life of the luminous efficiency drops, the consistency and uniformity,Wavelength redshift. To control the LED junction temperature makes the reliable, effective heat dissipation LED a focus of research. The microchannel heat dissipation is most companies in recent years, the main research the LED heat dissipation and reduce the general control of the temperature rise droop. IWould of microchannel heat sink by the study on simpleWater cooling.
Keywords:    Temperature rise of droop,COB LED Junction temperature,
LED life,Microchannel heat sink,Water cooling
摘要    i
Abstract    i
1   绪论    1
1.1    课题背景    1
1.2    研究现状和发展趋势    1
1.3    研究目的和意义    3
1.4    主要研究内容    3
2    LED灯具散热分析    4
2.1    LED灯具的散热方式    4
2.2    LED水冷的散热方式    5
2.3    LED水冷散热的优化散热方法    6
3    LED水冷散热的散热设计及分析    7
3.1  LED水冷散热的设计思路    7
3.2  LED水冷散热的结构设计    9
3.3  LED水冷散热对流能力的热模拟结果与分析    11 COB LED灯具温升光衰关系的研究与应用:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_41913.html