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时间:2019-10-11 21:01来源:毕业论文

Abstract With the rapid development of era, with the rapid growth of economy, the development of city construction pattern is particularly outstanding, around the city center and suburban area of land prices are increasing, the growth of population has increased to the requirement of the space of the urban land utilization, has the high development, with development, to the underground city floor is more and more high, the corresponding is also more and more deep foundation pit excavation, and should be a developer and the demand of the consumers, the area of the foundation pit excavation is also gradually increase, the depth and area of changes made in earthwork excavation and foundation pit supporting selection of increasing difficulty. These reasons are prompted with the status of the foundation pit monitoring becomes more and more high, in order to ensure the safety of the excavation and support scheme of concrete operation, monitoring personnel must have the strict monitoring methods. Nowadays in many of China's coastal provinces and cities exceptionally rapid economic development, population density increasing, the development of deep foundation pit engineering is especially important, the deepest excavation depth has reached more than 20 meters, but due to various reasons make the underground geological conditions in the same area have very big difference, USES the different load conditions are also quite different, and the complex construction environment, only by using geological exploration report and some corresponding geotechnical experimental parameters, we can't accurately for the design of supporting schemes, must request the designers to field investigation combined with constantly design calculation to the design of the preliminary scheme. However when encounter some large engineering design, project peripheral environment of complex and long period makes design often need to have the possibility of change, in order to reduce the engineering construction deviation, according to soil deformation in the process of excavation and influence on surrounding buildings, underground infrastructure, monitoring unit of the monitoring work is particularly important. At present, the foundation pit monitoring has been listed as a deep foundation pit engineering one of the three important basic elements of quality guarantee. 岩土工程变形监测技术研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_40565.html