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时间:2018-05-30 19:55来源:毕业论文

关键词  弦振动  波长  Origin
Title    Rsearch on the string vibration experiment
The research progress of the string vibration experiment at home and abroad is investigated, reference to bibliographies ,knowing research contents at home and abroad ,then search for the new breakthrough point ,make theory preparations for innovation of the following experiments .Then experimental apparatus and basic principle of the string vibration are introduced ,based on the new steel string vibration experiment apparatus .Three methods of measurement the wavelength of the standing wave are designed .The error of analysis and evaluation to each method are shown. In general ,obtaining the wavelength via the graphing method in class experiment ,fitting data by using the Origin software to get the wavelength ,showing the error around 5%.The average of calculating many times to obtain the wavelength to find the error is above 5%;New experiment methods are made to solve the wavelength,the error is about 0.2%.It is also shown the uneven of the wavelength.spectulating the uneven of the distribution of strain.More in-depth theoretical analysis remains to be performed.
Keywords  string vibration   wavelength   Origin
目   次
1  引言    1
1.1  国内外研究状况    1
1.2  本文研究的主要工作    3
2  弦振动形成驻波实验的相关研究    5
2.1  实验原理    5
2.2  实验仪器    8
3  数据拟合求波长    12
3.1  用Origin软件拟合    12
3.2  拟合结果分析    13
3.3  小结    13
4  多次计算求平均    14
4.1  数据结果处理与误差计算    14
4.2  结果分析    15
4.3  小结    15
5  直接观测求波长    17
5.1  实验方法    17
5.2  实验数据处理与误差计算    17
5.3  由波长不均匀看张力的分布    20
5.4  小结    21
结  论    23
致  谢    24
1  引言
本次对弦振动实验的研究是建立在传统的弦振动实验基础上的,我们又增加了新的实验内容,在实验过程中,我们采用了钢质弦线,弦线在振动过程中,最大的缺点是一般情况下,我们看不到弦线的振动情况,但最大的优点是当弦线发生振动时,我们可以清楚的听到它振动时的声音,从而可以进一步研究弦振动与声音的关系。用这个方法,我们既能做标准的弦振动实验,又能从示波器直接观察到驻波波形,进而对驻波波形进行研究,在绝大多数情况下,驻波波形一般不是理想的正弦波形,直接用我们的肉眼观察是无法分辨的。 Origin弦振动实验研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_16644.html