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时间:2019-04-04 20:53来源:毕业论文

摘  要:课堂有效性指在一些平常课堂教学中,通过老师的引领和学生们的主动积极的学习思考过程中。在一定时间内高质量,高效率地完成教学任务,促进学生们学习成绩的提高。根据新课标要求,教师要必须与新课标相适应的教学理念及教学方法。有效的生物学课堂教学应该回归生活,生物学课堂有效教学应该注重与现代生活现代科技有效整合。课堂教学是学校教育的重中之重,是学生获取信息、提高能力和养成思想观念的主渠道,研究主要运用教育理论对初中生物学高效课堂的影响因素进行调查及分析研究,调查结果显示:教师的教育观念及教学方式、学生地学习的习惯、师生关系等对课堂教学效率有十分重要影响。同时,对有效课堂、教学策略的内涵进行简述,在此基础上提出中学有效性课堂的教学策略。从而在教师的教学理念、学生的学习方法等方面获得一定的启发。34215
毕业论文关键词: 中学生;生物学;课堂教学有效性;影响因素;教学策略
Research on the effectiveness of teaching high school biology class
Abstract: The effectiveness of classroom teaching refers to the usual classroom teaching, thinking process lead by teacher and students take the initiative to learn. Within a certain time high quality, efficient completion of the task of teaching and promoting the improvement of students' academic performance. According to the New Curriculum requirements, teachers should be compatible with the new curriculum standards of teaching philosophy and teaching methods. Students should pay attention to the initiative to build developmental classroom learning, to promote the initiative to reflect the classroom. Effective classroom teaching biology should return to life, biology classroom teaching should focus on effective and efficient integration of modern science and technology of modern life. Classroom teaching is the most important school of education, students get information to improve the main channel capacity and develop ideas, study the use of factors of educational theory junior high school biology class and efficient investigation and analysis, survey shows : Teacher education idea and teaching methods, students' learning habits, teacher-student relationship has a very important impact on the efficiency of classroom teaching. Meanwhile, effective classroom teaching strategies connotation elaborate, propose the effectiveness of classroom teaching strategies of high school on this basis. To obtain some inspiration in the teacher's teaching philosophy, students' learning methods。
Keywords: high school students; effective classroom;; biological factors; teaching methods
目    录

摘  要    1
引言    2
1 提出问题     2
2 基本概念    3
2.1 有效课堂    3
2.1.1 有效课堂的内涵    3
2.1.2有效课堂的特点    3
2.1.3有效课堂的要素    3
2.2 教学策略方法    5
3有效课堂影响因素的调查分析    5
3.1调查的对象和研究方法    5
3.1.1调查对象    5
3.1.2 研究方法    6
3.2对学生问卷调查结果与分析    6
3.2.1 学生问卷调查结果    6
3.2.2 对学生调查结果的反思    8
3.3对教师问卷调查的结果与分析    8
3.3.1教师问卷调查结果    8
3.3.2对教师调查结果的反思    9
3.4有效课堂中存在的问题以及影响因素    10
4有效课堂的教学策略方法    10
4.1 有效备课教学策略    10 中学生物学课堂有效性教学研究:http://www.youerw.com/wuli/lunwen_31669.html