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时间:2018-09-17 16:20来源:毕业论文

摘  要:《红楼梦》是我国四大名著之一,在《楼梦中》中表现出的中国封建社会大家族中的伦理道德,一直是中外红学研究者所关注的焦点。在《红楼梦》这部作品中,女性崇拜是作品的重要内容,作者通过描写贾府中各色的女性,刻画出不同的人物性格和故事内容。研究《红楼梦》中的女性崇拜可以更好地帮助我们理解作品的内涵,更加准确的把握红楼梦的人物形象和故事情节,同时也更加全面的了解到小说所体现的封建社会价值观念和社会伦理意识。本文从《红楼梦》中的主要代表女性角色入手,例如林黛玉、王熙凤等金陵十二钗为具体分析对象,分析《红楼梦》中的女性崇拜在小说中的表现,探讨《红楼梦》中所表现出来的社会伦理和对男女关系和地位的反思。28309
毕业论文 关键词:《红楼梦》;女性崇拜;社会伦理;文学分析
 Girls are Made of Water of the Same Flesh and Blood of Women Worship in a Dream of Red Mansions
    Abstract:a dream of red mansions is a classic work of Chinese ancient literature, in a dream of red mansions embodies rich family ethical and moral factors. In this work, the story of women worship has been an important part of the works, the author through portraying female worship showed feudal family family and ethical relations, reflect the different character and story, through the description of women worship embodies the social values and the change of family ethics system and influence. The female worship in the study of a dream of red mansions can help us better understand the connotation of the works, more accurately grasp the characters and plot a dream of red mansions, also a more comprehensive understanding to the novel embodies feudal social values and social ethics consciousness. This article obtains from the main representative female characters in a dream of red mansions, in a dream of red mansions is more representative of women worship, such as Lin daiyu, search, etc. Jinling twelve women as the object of a concrete analysis, the analysis of women worship in the performance of the novel, in a dream of red mansions of social ethics and the reflection on the relationship between men and women.
    Keywords: a dream of red mansions; Women worship; Social ethics; Literary analysis
目        录
摘  要1
   “在《红楼梦》中,女性崇拜一直是小说的一条主要线索和重要内容,女性崇拜的内容和女性崇拜的改变,不仅仅代表着男女之间的关系变化,更多地体现了封建社会中男女地位变化和发展,表现出了当时的社会在封建礼教压制下,发展出的一种叛逆精神”。[3]小说通过丰满的情节表现出了各不相同的女性的魅力,体现出了对女性的赞赏,以及对女性能力的肯定。本文将从红楼梦中不同类型的女性入手,通过分析《红楼梦》中经典的人物形象及其所体现出来的女性崇拜特质,具体分析《红楼梦》中女性崇拜的内容及其产生的原因,和其对现代社会所产生的深远影响。 论《红楼梦》中的女性崇拜女儿是水做的骨肉:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_23098.html