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时间:2023-03-23 22:20来源:毕业论文


Gao Shi and Cen Sen are two famous frontier poets in the glorious age of Tang Dynasty, whose works are usually put into comparison。 There are some similarities between their works, such as their expression of homesickness。 Meanwhile, because Gao and Cen are in the same age of glorious Tang Dynasty, it is inevitable for them to desire to make some achievements and contributions。 This kind of typical spirit in the glorious Tang is seen from their poems。 There are numerous differences between their writings; for example, the works of Gao are mostly rational, while those of Cen are mostly full of amazing words。 All the similarities and differences are caused by their different life experience, personalities and artistic styles。 Although Gao and Cen both went through poverty in their childhood, Gao had more experience living at the bottom of society than Cen did, and with the addition of his naturally wild temperament, he tended to express his political enthusiasm in poems。 By contrast, the frontier poems of Cen are tinged with romantic and exotic atmosphere which is sparked by his diplomatic mission to the frontier and his naturally great curiosity。 源-于,优W尔Y论L文.网wwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766

毕业论文关键词:边塞诗; 生活经历; 个性心理; 出征地区; 艺术风格;

Keyword: frontier poem; life experience; personalities; frontier region; artistic styles

目    录

引言 5

相同之处 5

区别之处 6

1。 生活经历 6

2。 个性心理 8

3。 出征地区 12

结语 15

参考文献 16


边塞诗——“举凡从军出塞,保土卫边,民族交往,塞上风情;或报国壮志,或发反战呼声,或借咏史以寄意,或记现世之事件;上自军事、政治、经济、文化,下及朋友之情、夫妇之爱、生离之痛、死别之悲;只要与边塞生活相关的,统统都可以归入边塞诗之列” 。高适和岑参作为著名的边塞诗人,历来为人所称道。高适作诗向来如其为人一般有着英雄男儿的豪气,也有着政治家的敏锐深刻。殷璠评高适曰:“其诗多胸臆语,兼有气骨”,这种风格的形成与高适的生活经历、个性等息息相关。同样,殷璠评岑诗则为“语奇体峻,意亦奇造。”根据《汉语大字典》的释义,此处的“奇”应当包含“特殊;稀罕;不寻常”和“美好;美妙”两种解释。岑参边塞诗的风格的形成也得益于他两度出塞的经历,西域的生活体验是他创作的基石之一。同时,岑参个人性格浪漫,好体验自然,好刻画美景,也为他诗作的创造提供了源泉。From~优E尔L论E文W网wWw.YoUeRw.com 加QQ7520.18766 高适岑参边塞诗异同论:http://www.youerw.com/wenxue/lunwen_151798.html
