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时间:2017-02-28 21:57来源:毕业论文

关键词: 流动儿童  学习适应  社会工作
Research on the problem of the migrant children’s learning adaptation
-    A Case Study of Shanghai East Shangnan Middle School
Abstract: Education is the basement of the country’s construction and development. Balancing the chance for every child to being educated is one of the most important parts of the education career. Recent years, great amount of rural people pouring into city for job hunting, their children’s education problem comes in consequent, which has been aroused the attention of the society. These migrant children always have difficulties in studying that directly cause the poor academic and interpersonal, even the deviant behavior. To know about the current learning situation of migrant children, the writer has studied several related literatures. Through the way of questionnaire and interview, analyze the reasons of the difficulties in learning, and work out solutions.   
        The passage is based on the perspective of social work. Using social work methods to focus the real demands of migrant children; believe that they have the self-improvement ability; and enable them to communicate and cooperate with others. The write hope these methods would help migrant children to adjust their learning better.  
Abstract Keywords: migrant children  learning adaptation  social work
一、研究背景    1
二、文献综述    2
2.1 流动儿童的界定    2
2.2 流动儿童的学习适应问题研究现状    2
三、理论框架及研究方法    3
3.1 理论框架    3
3.1.1 增权理论    3
3.1.2 社会学习理论    4
3.2 研究方法    4
3.2.1 文献法    4
3.2.2 问卷调查    4
3.2.3访谈法    4
四、数据分析    5
4.1 样本基本情况    5
4.2 样本数据分析    5
4.2.1 学生情况    5
4.2.2 流动儿童学习适应问题与家长的关系    7
4.2.3 流动儿童学习适应问题与学校的关系    8
五、结论和建议    9
5.1 结论    9
5.1.1 学生角度    9
5.1.2 家长角度    9
5.1.3 学校环境与师资力量    10
5.2 建议    10
5.2.1 社会工作专业介入    10
5.2.2 学校方面    11
5.2.3 社区方面    12
致  谢    13
参考文献    14
改革开放30多年以来,我国发生了翻天覆地的变化,无论是国家综合实力的提升,抑或经济、文化、科技建设都取得无数可喜成果,但与此同时也引发了新的社会问题。在城镇化的快速推进过程中,大量农村人口涌入城市务工,根据2012年的统计,在沪农民工已超过40万,外来常住人口为900万左右,正成为城市建设的中坚力量。与此同时,在经济条件渐好,国家地方政策的支持下,子女随同父母进城就学也成为越来越普遍的现象,当前在沪流动儿童数量接近甚至有些偏远地区已经超过本地生源。放宽简化入学条件、处理好教育公平、帮助流动儿童适应新环境学习就成了需要解决的当务之急。 流动儿童学习适应问题研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/wenxian/lunwen_3560.html