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时间:2018-07-08 16:27来源:毕业论文

关键词  电光调制  偏振干涉  锥光干涉图   CCD摄像机
Title   Research on the digitization of electro-optic crystal modulation experiment system                        _          
Firstly,the principle and the applications of electro-optical effect are introduced,and the application of electrooptical modulation in the field of optical communication is emphasized.Secondly,the contents and methods of electro-optic crystal modulation experiment are elaborated.Phototransistor is installed as photo detector in existing experiment so that the waveform can only be observed through oscilloscope,and the image data of interference pattern of convergent light containing more information can not be extracted.To solve this problem improved method for the experiment system is designed:CCD is installed instead of phototransistor.Then on this basis,Matlab software is used to process image data received in the computer.The experimental simulation results shows that experiment system designed can complete the experiment content required and the expected goal are well met.This design has a basic and positive significance to digitization, intelligentialization of electro-optic crystal modulation experiment system and to achieve an integrated system of optics, machine, circuit and computer.                 Keywords: electrooptical modulation, polarization interference, interference pattern of convergent light, CCD camara
目   次
1  绪论    1
1.1  课题研究背景    1
1.2  电光效应的原理及应用    1
1.3  实验研究现状    2
1.4  课题主要工作    3
2  电光晶体调制实验    4
2.1  LN晶体的电光效应    4
2.2  实验内容与理论研究    5
2.3  实验系统数字化改进方案    10
3  视频/图像处理软件系统    11
3.1  MATLAB图像捕获工具箱    11
3.2  提取锥光干涉图    12
3.3  MATLAB软件模拟锥光干涉图    14
3.4  锥光干涉图预处理    22
3.5  光轴偏角的测量    23
3.6  MATLAB软件实现示波器功能    24
结  论    27
致  谢    28
1  绪论
激光是一种频率较高的电磁波,在相干性、方向性、亮度方面优点突出。与常规的用于通讯的媒介---无线电波相比,光的频率远高于无线电波中微波的频率,这提醒了激光用于通信有更高的带宽。光纤技术越来越成熟,激光通信也随之得到充分的应用。要成功地将激光作为通讯的载体,就需要想办法将需要传输的信息数据加载到激光上,这在通信中叫做调制。利用晶体的电光效应可以完成调制工作:在某些晶体的两个侧面加偏置电压折射率会发生有规律的改变,所以穿过它的光线相位和偏振态都会发生改变,再利用一些线偏振器件,就可以实现对光线幅度的调制。电光晶体调制实验是大学物理实验里的重要内容,它有助于强化学生对电光调制原理的理解。本课题深入剖析了电光晶体调制实验的理论解释,针对当前实验系统的缺点,装配CCD摄像机取代光电三极管接收光场,然后在计算机上完成实验内容,努力使实验系统在数字化方面更近一步。仿真实验结果表明,设计的新系统操作方便可行,可以得到普及应用。 电光晶体调制实验系统的数字化研究:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_19215.html