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时间:2018-07-09 09:35来源:毕业论文

摘要MIMO雷达即多输入多输出(Multiple-input Multiple-output)雷达,是一种新型雷达。其发射端和接收端均采用多天线技术,每个发射天线(或阵元)发射独立的信号,因为发射波形具有良好的正交性,所以在空间上不会形成相互间的干扰;在接收端,每个天线(或阵元)接收所有发射信号并在后端进行信号分选,这样的多个并行通道传输信息的模式提高了雷达系统数据传输的效率和总体性能。MIMO技术由最先的通信领域被引用至雷达领域,其波形设计、角度测量、目标检测都是研究的重点。本文首先对MIMO雷达的概念、研究背景和分类做了简单的介绍,然后讨论了正交波形的设计准则,分析了线性调频信号、二相编码信号(M序列、Gold序列及Hadamard矩阵)和多相编码信号的相关性质并给出了仿真图。最后基于遗传算法对多相编码信号进行优化。25459
关键词:MIMO雷达 波形设计 相位编码  遗传算法
Title    The Orthogonal Waveform Design of MIMO Radar           
MIMO(Multiple-input Multiple-output) radar is a new type of radar. Its transmitter and receiver  have several  antennas, which can transmit and receive many signals at the same time. In this way, the receiver can get more information compared traditional radars, improving the efficiency of the radar system.
MIMO technology was first used in communication system and then it was applied to radar fields. MIMO radar has many research focus, for example waveform design、angle measurement and target detection. This paper is focused on  the orthogonal waveform design of MIMO radar. First, it will introduce briefly about the background of MIMO radar and then it is going to talk about some basic signals of MIMO systems, which include  OFDM signal and phrase encoding signals. At last, genetic algorithm (ga) is introduced in this paper and I will use this algorithm to optimize some signals.
  All the simulations in this paper are run in matlab and the data are partly given by my professor.
Keywords  MIMO radar  waveform design   phase encoding     genetic algorithm
1 绪论    1
1.1研究背景和意义    1
1.2 研究概况    1
1.3 本文的主要工作    2
2 MIMO雷达系统模型    3
2.1 收发阵元模型    3
2.2 信号模型    4
2.3 MIMO雷达分类    6
3 MIMO雷达正交波形设计和性能分析    7
3.1正交波形的设计准则    7
3.2 二相编码信号    8
3.3多相编码信号    16
4 波形优化    19
4.1 波形优化准则    19
4.2代价函数的构造    19
4.3 遗传算法    20
4.4多相编码信号优化的仿真实验    23
结论    28
致谢    29
参考文献    30
1 绪论   
MIMO(Multiple-input Multiple-output)雷达是多输入多输出雷达,顾名思义它由多个发射天线和接收天线组成的雷达系统。发射端可以同时发射多个正交波形,然后接收端通的每个接收天线接收信号并通过匹配滤波器进行滤波分选,这样的多个并行通道传输信息的模式提高了雷达系统数据传输的效率和总体性能[1][4][11][12]。
MIMO的概念最早应用于无线通信系统,由意大利的无线电工程师伽利尔摩•马可尼在1908年提出,他主要是用于抑制信号衰落。但MIMO技术取得巨大的进展是在1990年代中期,由Bell实验室提出在无线通信系统中基站和移动端均采用多天线技术,这种可以同时输入多个信号和输出多个信号的通信系统称为MIMO通信 [2][8][20][25][29]。 MIMO雷达正交波形设计与产生:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_19266.html