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时间:2018-05-02 21:02来源:毕业论文

关键词 :稳像技术    运动估计    运动补偿
Title :Electronic image stabilization algorithm
Abstract:  Electronic image stabilization technology (EIS) is a high-speed digital image signal processing method for the direct processing of video image sequences , sacrificing image edge portion of the image information to obtain large -area displays a clear technical methods . Compared with other methods of image stabilization , this real smooth image motion compensation and stable technology has many advantages , such as image
stabilization and high accuracy , small size, light weight, low power consumption and low cost, is the field of the development of image stabilization the main direction has broad application prospects. In today's increasingly advanced technology , along with increasingly sophisticated vehicle , shipboard and airborne surveillance camera system to ensure the stability of the image is especially important . This paper describes several methods of electronic image stabilization algorithm and its mathematical model , based on the principle of gray projection algorithm , using matlab simulation software image stabilization system . Including several parts of the image pre-processing , vector estimation, motion compensation. Complete the math and graphics together. Simulation results show that gray projection algorithm used in this project to meet the requirements of image stabilization . Finally, the paper on the simulation process by the problems were analyzed.
 Keywords:Image stabilization technology, Motion  compensation
1. 绪论.1
 1.1 课题研究背景.1
 1.2 课题的科学意义.1
 1.3 课题的应用前景.2
 1.4 本论文的主要研究工作.2
2. 稳像技术的研究.3
 2.1 稳像技术概述.3
 2.2 图像产生模糊的原因.3
 2.4 本章小结.5
3. 电子稳像技术研究.6
 3.1 电子稳像技术概述.6
 3.2 电子稳像技术的基本原理.6
4. 电子稳像技术算法研究及实现
 4.1 图像预处理14
 4.2 矢量估计16
 4.3 矢量补偿19
 4.4 本章小结20
5. Matlab数字图像处理及仿真.21
 5.1 关于matlab软件的介绍.21
 5.2 电子稳像技术matlab程序21
 5.4 本章小结28
1  绪论
1.1  课题研究背景。
   在现今生活工作的各个领域中,电视摄像系统已经得到相当广泛的应用,在某些领域更得到的深入的应用。如在国防领域的小型无人机中。小型无人驾驶飞行器(UAV)是因为其较低的飞行高度,更短的飞行周期和连续承受能力更受欢迎。然而,小型无人机的风和气流敏感的飞行过程中。该视频特点往往是抖动的,所以有效的电子影像稳定是很重要的。然而,小型无人机的风和气流敏感的飞行过程中。该视频特点往往是抖动的,所以有效的电子影像稳定是很重要的。还有各个监控场合,当电视摄像系统用于机载,舰载或者车载等运动载体的侦查或监视系统上时,其工作效果要受到其运动载体不同时刻的运动姿态的影响。当其被运用于手持摄像或者运动平台的视频监控中时,其工作效果也要受到其稳定度的影响。这种抖动或者震动反应到视频设备上时,表现为获得的图像不明显,模糊等。会使观察者产生疲劳,从而导致误判或者漏判。所以,在运动的载体中,摄像视频的稳像是一个十分重要的问题。特别是在长焦距,高分辨的监视跟踪系统中表现尤为突出。因此,解决图像序列不稳定的问题具有很高的科学价值。 matlab电子稳像算法EIS研究+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_14578.html