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时间:2022-12-06 19:25来源:毕业论文
VHDL巴克码群同步电路设计在Quartus II开发环境下,使用了硬件描述语言Verilog HDL,完成了11位巴克码群同步电路的设计和仿真。整个程序代码是以模块为基本单元


本次毕业设计是在Quartus II开发环境下,使用了硬件描述语言Verilog HDL,完成了11位巴克码群同步电路的设计和仿真。整个程序代码是以模块为基本单元,分为发送模块和接受模块,两个大模块中又镶嵌了很多小模块,比如巴克码发生器模块,m序列模块等。本文中不仅实现了巴克码发生器和巴克码译码器,而且还讨论了在传输数据的过程中巴克码出现错码的情况,观察其是否能够实现群同步。最后使用了HDL软件ModelSim进行仿真,得出波形结果,验证其功能是否实现。

毕业论文关键词:巴克码;群同步;Verilog;Quartus II

Abstract In communication systems, especially in digital communication systems, synchronization is a very vital concept and the role of synchronization cannot be underestimated in a communication system。 Whether the communication system can reliably and effectively work to a large extent depends on the synchronization system。 However, the synchronization is pided into many types and the key of the graduation design, Group Synchronization, is one of them。 Barker Code, whose autocorrelation function has a sharp single peak, is a special non-periodic code group。 The code group can be identified efficiently at the receiving terminal。

The graduation project is based on the development environment Quartus II, and use the hardware description language Verilog HDL to complete the design and implementation of 11 bits Barker code group synchronization circuit。 The code of the entire program regards modules as the basic units, such as sending module and receiving module included。 There are several small modules embedded in them, such as code generator module, M sequence module, etc。 In this paper, not only did we complete the Barker Code generator and Barker Code decoder, but also discuss the situation when there is something wrong with the Barker Code。 We can observe whether the group synchronization will be achieved。 Finally, we use the HDL simulation software, ModelSim, to simulate the whole project to get the group synchronization waveform。 We can use it verify its correctness。

Keywords:Barker Code; Group Synchronization; Verilog; Quartus II

目  录

第一章 绪论 1

1。1 研究背景 1

1。2 国内外研究现状 2

1。3 研究意义和目的 2

1。4 主要内容 3

第二章 Quartus II简介 4

2。1 Quartus II软件简介 4

2。1。1 Quartus II的特点 4

2。1。2 Quartus II 的开发流程 5

2。2 Quartus II 的使用 6

2。3 Quartus II的插件 9

第三章 仿真软件ModelSim 10

3。1仿真系统框图 10

3。2 ModelSim的简介 10

第四章 Verilog HDL简介 13

4。1 Verilog简介 VHDL巴克码群同步电路设计:http://www.youerw.com/tongxin/lunwen_106861.html
