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时间:2022-10-03 20:28来源:毕业论文



 Investigation on The Present Situation of The Students of Physical Education Participating in Billiards Sports in  Normal University

Abstract:Billiards, golf and tennis are known as the three greatest gentlemen sports in the world。 Billiards sports set entertainment and fitness as a whole, it is a combination of intellectual activity and physical activity of the benefits of the project。 This paper mainly through the literature data method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics and other research methods to investigate and research the students of physical education in  Normal University, and to improve the physical and mental quality of the students, cultivate students' healthy extra-curricular interest, enrich their cultural life, thus further so that students cultivate good interest in University。 Billiards sports in  normal college professional students of sports are very popular, participate in billiards sports also each are not identical, but the student's professional sports students to participate in the cost of living will restrict the frequency of the billiards sports。 

Keywords: normal college sports professional students; Billiards sports; Affect the status quo; survey。

目    录

摘要 1

引言 2

1.研究对象和研究方法 2

1。1研究对象 2

1。2研究方法 2

2。结果与分析 3

2。1师范学院体育专业学生参与台球运动现状 3

2。2影响学生参与台球运动的因素 8

3。结论与建议 9

3。1结论 9

3。2建议 10

参考文献 12

附录 13

致谢 15



   台球是一项在国际上广泛流行的高雅室内体育运动,是一种用球杆在台上击球、依靠计算累计得分确定比赛胜负的室内娱乐体育项目。台球已发展成为多种类型:有中英式落袋台球法式球、俄式台球、美式落袋台球和斯诺克台球,其中斯诺克最为普遍,已成为一项比赛项目。台球运动有益于增进健康、增强体质的作用。台球运动包含着好几方面的知识比如:力学、几何、数学等,利用这几方面的知识可以设计和制定自己的战略和战术。还可以根据现场情况从不同角度不同部位去击球,使球行走的路线也是千变万化,不同的情况可以选择不同的打法,把台球运动中各种战术意识体现的生动形象,因此这个过程形成一种非常积极的智力活动,而这非常适合于体育专业学生参与台球运动。就此本文以师范学院体育专业学生为例,调查了各个年级总100名学生在学校的参与台球运动的情况,以便于更好的指导体育专业学生参与台球运动。 师范学院体育专业学生参与台球动现状研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_99967.html
