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时间:2022-07-21 23:24来源:毕业论文

摘  要:校田径运动会是校园体育活动的重要组成成分,在大学生的课余生活中有着比较重要的意义。参加运动会是一个艰辛并快乐的事情,它不仅可以丰富大学生的课余生活,引导大学生积极向上,并且可以发展同学之间的友谊与团结。也可令紧张的学习心情得到放松。在积极的训练中能得到有效的锻炼。82509



Investigation on the Current Situation of College and University Students in the School of Track and Field Sports in Normal University

Abstract:School track and field sports is an important part of campus sports activities, and it is of great significance in college students' extracurricular life。 To take part in the sports meeting is a hard and happy thing, it can not only enrich college students' extracurricular life, guide college students to be active, and can develop the friendship and solidarity between the students。 Can also make intense learning mood to relax。 In the active training can get effective exercise。

The study of Normal University College Students to participate in school track and field sports motivation survey through the questionnaire survey method, mathematical analysis and other methods to derive, Normal University held in motion will pay great efforts, students participate in sports enthusiasm is very high。 Time-consuming short, highly explosive movement project more college students favor, and distance running endurance sports in fewer in number。 Most of the students' participation in sports will be because of hobbies, improving the quality of the body and making more friends。 In this study, through investigation and analysis of college students to attend the Games in the motivation and influencing factors, put forward the corresponding suggestions, for teachers college can be more successfully held in track and field sports will provide theoretical support

Key Words: Normal University;College Student ;Playman Track&Field; 

目    录

摘 要 1

引言 3

1选题意义及研究现状 3

1。1选题意义 3

1。2研究现状 3

2研究对象与方法 4

2。1研究对象 4

2。2研究方法 4

3研究结果与分析 4

3。1学院普通大学生参与运动会的意愿调查结果与分析 4

3。2普通大学生参与运动会各运动项目的调查结果与分析 5

3。3普通大学生参与学校田径运动会的动机调查结果与分析 6

3。4普通大学生对田径场地器材的满意度调查结果与分析 6

3。5影响学院普通大学生参与运动会动机的因素 7
