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时间:2021-05-08 20:47来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Martial Arts is our unique cultural heritage of the nation, has a unique national style. It is based on martial art action as an important content, as the main form of exercise routines and fighting, defending and attacking meaning, rich in content, forms, internally and externally-oriented traditional Chinese sport. Martial arts teaching as a physical activity for the activities of the media, to improve students 'physical fitness and to ease the psychological pressure on students to promote the overall development of students, has a special impact on the quality of the students' physical and mental. Impact on the physical and mental health of junior high school students to study martial arts teaching, to carry out the martial arts activities to promote the scientific development of the students' physical and mental health, and provide a favorable basis.

Keywords: martial arts teaching junior high school students, the physical and mental health impact

目  录

1前言.  5

2研究对象和方法 .  5

2.1研究对象 .  .5

2.2研究方法. .  5

2.2.1文献资料法 5

2.2.2实验法. . .  6

2.2.3数理统计法. .6

2.2.4分析法  . .6

3结果与分析 .  . .6

3.1武术教学对初中生生理(身体素质)方面的影响. 6

3.1.1力量素质方面. .7

3.1.2速度素质方面. . . 7

3.1.3柔韧素质方面. .  .7

3.1.4耐力素质方面. .7

3.1.5灵敏素质方面  . 7

3.2武术教学对初中生心理方面的影响 .8

3.2.1武术教学可以缓解学生的心理压力 . .8

3.2.2武术教学可以增强学生自信,改善情绪状态. .9 

3.2.3武术教学可以帮助改善学生人际交往,培养合作竞争意识. .9

3.2.4武术教学可以提高学生抗挫折的能力,建立成就感 10 

4结论 .  . .  11 

参考文献 12 

附录一  . .  . .13

附录二   . .  .14

致谢 . 15

1  前言


    初中武术的教学内容丰富,并且武术具有和其它体育项目所不同的优点,它主要以徒手练习为主且兼有多种器械练习,最主要的是没有特殊的场地要求。此外,中学生的身体和心理特点使它具有天然的优势。初中生正处于生长和发育的最佳时期,身体形态结构和生理机能都未成熟,运动系统具有软骨组织较多,骨的硬度小,弹性和可塑性很大且不易骨折;关节活动范围较大但稳定性差;韧带薄而松驰,伸长性比较好;肌肉力量弱且富有弹性;呼吸肌发育未成熟且胸廓窄、肺泡小,鼻腔短直,呼吸频率快及呼吸表浅,肺活量小。在发展中学生灵敏,速度,耐力,力量等素质时,要全面发展,不能偏向于某一素质的发展。论文网 武术教学对初中生身心健康影响的实验研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_74901.html
