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时间:2020-11-27 17:03来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In recent years, the mass sports in China's vigorous development, the focus of the government is not only the development of competitive sports, mass sports gradually get attention. Over the years, the Xuzhou municipal Party committee, City Hall has always been to "the development of sports, enhance the people's physique" work as the starting point and end point, and vigorously promote the vigorous development of rural mass sports fitness, Xuzhou unprecedented enthusiasm. Based on the on-the-spot investigation to the rural population in Xuzhou counties of literature, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method, to understand the status of rural population in Xuzhou city to participate in sports, analysis of influencing factors of Xuzhou rural sports development process, provide solutions to participate in rural mass sports in the problem, put forward reasonable suggestions for the better development of rural mass sports. In order to improve the Xuzhou Farmers'sports concept, strengthen the construction of rural sports venues and facilities, establish a sound management system of mass sports in rural areas, and the combination of economic and trade integration, vigorously mining around the sports resources in Xuzhou City, to promote the sound and rapid development of rural mass sports.

Keywords:Xuzhou city, rural, mass sports, the status quo

1 前言4

2 研究对象与研究方法4

2.1 研究对象4

2.2 研究方法4

2.2.1 文献资料法4

2.2.2 问卷调查法4

2.2.3 数理统计法4

3 研究结果与分析4

3.1 徐州市农村群众体育的发展现状5

3.1.1参与体育锻炼的意识 5

3.1.2 体育行为 5

3.1.3 体育消费观念 7

3.2 影响徐州市农村群众体育发展的因素 7

3.2.1 政府对开展农村群众体育的支持 7

3.2.2 经济水平和资金投入 7

3.2.3 体育场地设施 8

3.2.4 体育观念 8

3.2.5 组织机构和体育人才 8

4 结论与建议10



参考文献 13

致谢 14

附录 15

1 前言

  体育作为中国特色社会主义事业的重要组成部分,在提高群众的生活质量和健康水平,促进人的全面发展,推动经济社会发展中发挥着积极作用。群众体育是为了娱乐身心,增强体质,防治疾病和培养体育后备人才,在社会上广泛开展的体育活动。开展群众体育活动应该遵循因人、因地、因时制宜的原则。的十八大报告明确提出要“广泛开展全民健身运动,促进群众体育和竞技体育全面发展”,提出将群众体育纳入文化生活的一部分,而我国作为农业大国,农村人口占总人口的50%左右,在发展群众体育的同时,农村群众体育作为群众体育的重要组成部分,它的发展及发展过程中遇到的问题,也是我们关注的重点。在徐州,“我运动我健康我快乐”的全民健身运动氛围越发浓重,徐州人天生就热爱运动,从四千年前彭祖开创气功养生,到如今轰动全国的万人健步走,无不展示着徐州人民喜爱运动的鲜明个性。本文以徐州为例,旨在了解徐州市农村人口参与体育运动的现状,分析徐州市农村群众体育发展过程中的影响因素,对参与农村群众体育运动中的问题提供解决方案,为更好的开展农村群众体育提出合理化建议。 徐州市农村群众体育发展现状及对策研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_65370.html
