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时间:2020-10-23 10:09来源:毕业论文


Free combat Sports Project has a unique value for the exercise of college students, whether it is in a strong body, or in the spirit of sports free combat has its own unique charm. Due to the lack of professional knowledge on the occurrence, prevention and rehabilitation of free combat Sports injuries, the students' attitude to sports injuries is not paid attention to, and it is found that the treatment is not timely, which has a certain impact on the physical and mental health.

This article through to university students in free combat elective students, often appear in free combat Sports Injuries and prevention of questionnaire and interview, the purpose is of free combat specially selected students can of free combat injury and injury prevention and treatment can have a full understanding; provide for free combat Teaching, training and competition to provide effective medical supervision; at the same time, for the future of free combat of injury provide theoretical reference, as to promote free combat in Colleges and universities better popularization.


Keyword: free combat special election; students; sports injury

目    录

1前言 2

2研究对象及研究方法 2

2.1研究对象 2

2.2研究方法 3

2.2.1文献资料法 3

2.2.2访谈法 3

2.2.3问卷调查法 3

2.2.4逻辑分析法 3

3研究结果与分析 4

3.1高校散打专选学生运动损伤率分析 4

3.2高校散打专选学生常见损伤部位分析 4

3.2.1腰部损伤 5

3.2.2膝关节损伤 5

3.2.3小腿损伤 6

3.2.4头面部损伤 6

3.3高校散打专选学生损伤性质分析 6

3.4高校散打专选学生损伤类型分析 7

3.5高校散打专选学生对损伤认知程度分析 8

4结论与建议 9

4.1结论 9

附件: 12


散打是两个人按照一定的规则要求,在擂台上或者在训练场上运用武术的踢、打、摔和攻防技法进行徒手对抗的现代最为火爆的竞技体育项目之一,同时是中国现代武术的重要组成部分。随着经济的发展“散打王”、“功夫王”、“中外联赛”、“武林风”等具有商业化的竞赛的出现,具有竞争性强、运动负荷大、技术动作灵活多变等特点吸引着越来越多的高校体育专业的学生。但是,通过文献资料的查阅,激烈的散打运动在其训练和比赛的对抗中,运动损伤时常发生。运动损伤轻者阻碍运动员专业技能的提高,重者甚至会影响散打练习者的学习和日常生活,从而给散打运动项目的整体发展造成阻碍,从而形成恶性循环。近年来,我国体育事业取得了突飞猛进的卓越成就,但是对于运动损伤的研究大部分只关注于国家级的各类运动队伍和世界级高水平运动员,对于高校体育院系学生的运动损伤研究和大众体育运动损伤的研究相对较少、较为不充分,因此,此研究项目对高校体育院系散打课程开设具有一定的鉴定意义。源[自-优尔*`论/文'网·www.youerw.com/ 高校散打专选学生运动损伤的调查与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_63466.html
