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时间:2020-03-18 19:02来源:毕业论文







Abstract  The four sports college entrance examination is an important channel for the selection of sports talent, and improve athletic performance in the four winter training period, is imminent. Athletic Examinees Attending the quality level is not high, the winter training exercises in high intensity, low temperature, prone to injury, a reasonable choice of training methods in Winter, dietary and control the movement of the load size to enhance athletic performance, according to a major role.

  Before After four score composed by the four sports, I try through literature, experiment and interviews of four sports performance sports Candidates for winter training before and after the inquiry, to try training for these sports, the winter training Compare and statistical analysis of the data after the winter training, the following conclusions:

(1) Reasonable arrangements for winter training program can greatly enhance athletic performance sports candidates.

(2) four scores in the shot put and 800 meters relatively easy to extract the most points in the shot put training in the skills needed to pay more attention to practice.

(3) The winter training for improving the college entrance examination scores four obviously help but pay attention to the candidates of their own weaknesses sports training.

    Winter training exercise choice there are some shortcomings, uneven quality sports candidates itself, with its own strengths and weaknesses, for some candidates to have the choice of sports for the training in order to better improve test scores, and explore new ways for 2015 winter training sports candidates pave and summary, and then for the 2016 sports college entrance exam four ready.

关键词:体育考生  冬训训练  四项成绩  

Keyword:   Sports examinee  Winter training  Four sports scores



2.文献综述 4








             2.3.1.高考体育训练队原则6 冬训对提高体育考生运动成绩的影响研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_48486.html
