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时间:2023-12-02 21:00来源:毕业论文




Abstract: This study takes Liuhe District of Nanjing City Fitness Club aerobics group as the research object, by using the method of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics and analysis of the fitness club of Liuhe District League exercises development status was studied; results show that: (1) fitness club Liuhe District courses opened in good condition (2)Mass aerobics teaching is the main content of yoga, Pilates, step aerobics courses (3) conclusionabout coaches mainly to young people, this kind of optimistic, full of passion for work, is the main force of fitness coaches, coaches overall quality is not high, the low level of education, professional theoretical knowledge less long-term the development effect of aerobics    curriculum。

(4) 18-45 year old group holds the largest membership, this part is  mostly a fixed work, long-term work to make them aware of the importance of health, health is the basis of the work, and intense life mode, fast pace of life is to make them mentally exhausted。 Fitness exercise To help ease the pressure on the work。 (5) the group to participate in the course of the main members of women, men accounted for a very small number

Key words: Liuhe District of Nanjing; fitness club; group calisthenics; current situation

1前言 3

2研究对象和研究方法 3

2。1研究对象 3

2。2研究方法 3

2。2。1文献资料法 3

2。2。2问卷调查法 4

2。2。2。1问卷的设计与评价 4

2。2。2。2问卷的发放与回收 4

2。2。2。3问卷的效度检验 4

2。2。2。4问卷的信度检验 5

2。2。3数理统计法 5

2。2。4分析法 5

3调查结果与分析 5

3。1健身俱乐部开设团操课的情况 5

3。2健身俱乐部团操课程的教学内容 6

3。3团操课程的教学方法和手段 6

3。4教练员的年龄、性别情况 7

3。5教练员的专业文化程度及任职情况 8

3。6团操学员年龄、性别情况 8

3。7团操学员的学历与职业情况 南京市健身俱乐部团操课开展现状的调查研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_199267.html
