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时间:2023-09-20 22:18来源:毕业论文


Abstract This thesis use the literature material method, interview method, questionnaire survey method, survey method and mathematical statistics, to research the current situation of Martial Arts for OUYUE elementary school in Wenzhou city。 Through the survey found that: 1。 The period of Martial Arts lesson was been arranged too less for garade。3 and 4 in this school, just twice a week and the content of lesson was single。 2。 The teachers of Martial Arts were graduated from ordinary sports major。 3。 The teachers of Martial Arts in school are teaching lessons with conventional methods。 4。 Students are lack of cognition of Martial Arts。 Therefore, this thesis offer implementation strategy to strengthen communication between  teachers and students, to Strengthen the cultivation of teachers, to optimize the structure of teachers, to establish competitions of Martial Arts and the grading test of students's Martial Arts rank system。 To provide the references for Martial Arts teaching of elementary school in the future。

毕业论文关键词: 传统武术;体育教学;教学现状;                   

Keywords: Traditional martial arts; Physical education; Teaching present situation 

目  录

1。前言 3

2。研究对象和方法 3

2。1 研究对象 3

2。2研究方法 4

2。2。1文献资料法 4

2。2。2访谈法 4

2。2。3 问卷调查法 4

2。2。4实地观察法 4

2。2。5数理统计法 4

2。2。6归纳法 5

3.研究结果与分析 5

3。1温州市瓯越小学武术开展现状调查 5

3。1。1温州市瓯越小学学生对武术的认知情况 5

3。1。2温州市瓯越小学武术内容调查 6

3。1。3温州市瓯越小学学生武术源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 练习的态度调查 7

3。1。4温州市瓯越小学武术专业师资的调查情况 7

3。1。5温州市瓯越小学家长对学生学习武术的意见调查 8

3。2武术在温州市瓯越小学体育教学中的实施策略 9

3。2。1加强武术教师和学生之间的沟通 9

3。2。2加强武术教学方式的科学性 9

3。2。3加强师资的培养,优化师资结构 9

3。2。4与专业武术队的强强联合,加强武术宣传和引进专业的武术代课教师 传统武术在小学体育教学中的实施策略研究:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_196277.html
