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时间:2023-12-02 10:38来源:毕业论文



Abstact : Paper through literature information method, and logic analysis method, and observation statistics method, and questionnaire survey method, and experts interview method, and mathematical statistics method, method, on Huai ' an 10 by elementary school of teachers and students for questionnaire and access research, respectively survey Huai ' an pupils table tennis movement specific carried out situation, Huai ' an primary school table tennis activities

hardware equipment input situation, Huai ' an primary school table tennis teachers situation, school for table tennis movement carried out of attention situation, and Bureau of policy support situation。 From 10 schools table tennis situation, Huaian city, according to the relevant research and analysis on pupil participation in sport development and objective analysis of the problems and development of pupils in Huaian city, want to be able to table tennis, ping pong promotion of cultural heritage and for the reserve talents of competitive sports to provide some references and recommendations。源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

Keywords: Primary school, table tennis, situation, analysis

1前言 9

2研究对象与方法 9

2。1研究对象 9

2。2研究方法 10

2。2。1文献资料法 10

2。2。2观察统计法 10

2。2。3问卷调查法 10

2。2。3。1 调查对象 10

2。2。3。2 问卷的设计与评定 10

2。2。3。2 问卷的发放与回收 11

2。2。3。3 问卷的效度检验 11

2。2。3。4 问卷信度检验 11

2。2。4专家访谈法 11

2。2。5数理统计法 11

2。2。6逻辑分析法 12

3结果与分析 12

3。1淮安市小学生参与乒乓球运动来自优I尔Y论S文C网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766 的开展现状 12

3。1。1小学生参与乒乓球运动的具体情况 12

3。1。1。1参与乒乓球运动的男女生比例和运动时间 12

3。1。1。2小学生对乒乓球运动的感兴趣程度 淮安市小学生参加乒乓球运动的现状与分析:http://www.youerw.com/tiyu/lunwen_199211.html
