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时间:2021-09-01 21:21来源:毕业论文




Abstract Mathematics activity itself is the problem can not be separated from the problem, to master the knowledge of mathematics is an important symbol to be able to be good at solving problems. And in the problem solving activities in the consciousness of competition or unconscious competition origin has long. Mathematics competition is a kind of mathematics activity, which is to solve the problem of mathematics. The original mathematical contest dates back at least sixteenth Century. The knowledge of elementary number theory in mathematics competition is an important part of. 

The number of primary branches of mathematics can be said to be one of the oldest properties, main research and the relationship between the integer. Number theory has a long history of development, made an important contribution to the development of the logarithm of the ancient Greeks. 

Basic knowledge of elementary number theory is relatively simple, but very strong skills in dealing with problems, people are thinking ability plays an important role in cultivating, so in the domestic and international mathematics competition occupies an important position. There is a long history about the development of number theory, number theory and the thinking is mathematics competition is the most important part of, no matter is primary school mathematics competition, mathematics competition of junior high school or high school mathematics competition, or the IMO, the number of ideas are the focus of. Mathematics competition is an important part of the current mathematics education, and it plays an important role in improving the students' mathematical thinking.

毕业论文关键词:数学竞赛; 竞赛数学; 初等数论;IMO;如何应用

Keywords: mathematics competition; theory; elementary number theory; how to apply







         3. 数学竞赛的目的8









3.哥德巴赫猜想..11        4.黎曼猜想...11




        1.奇偶性问题.12 数学竞赛中的初等数论问题:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_81286.html
