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时间:2021-08-23 20:25来源:毕业论文

摘 要: 当前情境性教学理论逐渐被引入小学数学课堂,将情境性教学引入小学数学课堂能够使得学生在情境教学中真正参与课堂活动,进而提高小学数学课堂学习效率。然而情境性教学理论观照下的小学数学课堂教学还需要不断地改进。教学内容应彰显小学生身心特征以及小学数学教材逻辑;教学方法追求多样化,尤其应迎合小学生性格特点;教学过程要贴近小学生生活经验;小学数学练习要避免单一重复;教师应扮演好小学生学习引导者这一角色;最后,数学课堂教学评价要彰显出情境性教学的理念。只有将情境性教学理论融入整个小学数学的教学中去,情境性教学理论才能够更好的为小学数学课堂的改进提供启示性意见。71167



Abstract: Current context of teaching the theory of elementary school mathematics classroom is gradually being introduced, the introduction of situational teaching elementary school mathematics classroom teaching can be made in the context of real students to participate in classroom activities, and to improve the efficiency of primary school mathematics classroom learning.However, situational teaching theory Perspective elementary mathematics teaching also need to continue to improve.Teaching content should highlight the physical and psychological characteristics of students and elementary school mathematics textbooks logic;Pursue perse teaching methods, in particular to meet the primary character traits;To close the process of teaching students life experience;Primary Mathematics practice to avoid a single repetition;

Good teachers should play the role of pupil learning guide; Finally, the mathematics classroom teaching evaluation to highlight the concept of situational teaching.Only situational teaching theory into the teaching of mathematics in primary schools throughout the go, situational teaching theory to be able to provide better advice to the revelation of elementary school mathematics classroom improvements.

Keywords: Situational teaching,Primary Mathematics Classroom,The creation of scenarios.


1  引言 4

2  “情境性教学”的概念理解 4

3  将情境性教学引入小学数学课堂的意义 4

3.1 小学数学课堂需要创设情境 5

3.2 小学生需要真正参与课堂 5

3.3 提高小学数学课堂学习效率 5

4  情境性教学理论观照下小学数学课堂教学改进路径的构建 6

4.1 彰显小学生身心特征与小学数学教材逻辑的教学材料 6

4.2凸显小学生性格特点的多样化教学方法 6

4.3贴近小学生生活经验和知识背景教学过程 6

4.4 避免单一重复的小学数学练习 7

4.5 小学生数学学习引导者的教师角色的定位 8

4.6 彰显情境性教学理念的小学数学课堂教学评价 9

结论 10

参考文献 11

1  引言

情境性教学作为一种有效的教学方法,已经成为当下小学数学课程改革中的焦点。通过情境性教学可以将“数”与“形”、“数”与“生活”结合,让儿童从生活中发现数学,感悟数学,让原本很抽象陌生、让学生畏惧的数学变得具体、亲近且容易理解,让小学生在数学学习过程中感受到快乐,同时培养起学生对数学的热爱。本文通过对当前教育理论中备受关注的情境性教学理论进行全面分析,并结合我国小学数学教育的发展方针和6-12岁左右的小学生的身心发展的特点,力求表达情境性教学理论对于改善小学数学课堂教学实践的指导意义,从而在理论的高度更新小学数学教育工作者的教育观念,促进小学数学课堂教学方法和手段的革新,提高小学数学课堂的教学效率。论文网 基于情境性教学理论的小学数学课堂教学的改进:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_80749.html
