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时间:2020-04-25 20:19来源:毕业论文


The extreme value problem has long been a problem in high school mathematics, whether students learn the content, or the teachers to teach the method of solving the extreme value, we need to sort out property on the least value. So, I stood at the entrance point of view, from the value of the research situation of high maximum and minimum of the main types and conventional methods to introduce extreme value problems in high school mathematics. The general solution of value, I mainly studied from derivative method, Inequality, trigonometric method and mathematical bonding. I extreme value through experience by collecting high school question types, and middle school math curriculum, summed up the basic method of extreme value problem using literature summarizing the study techniques and methods on calculating the value subject; by contrast for example extreme value problem solutions of certain categories listed. Through these studies, to further improve the high extreme value problems.


Keyword: High school mathematics; maximum; minimum; flexible problem-solving;  

目    录

摘    要 2

1 引言 4

2 高中数学中最常见的几种最值题目的类型 4

3 高中数学中最值的求解方法 6

3.1 导数法 6

3.1.1 利用导数单调性 6

3.1.2 利用导数的几何意义 8

3.2 不等式法 10

3.2.1 均值不等式构造条件法 10

3.2.2 均值不等式与其他方法相结合 11

3.2.3 均值不等式化归其他不等式 12

3.3 三角函数的最值 13

3.3.1 万能公式法 13

3.3.2 利用三角公式降次法 14

3.3.3 利用三角公式升次法 14

3.3.4 利用  消元法 14

3.3.5 利用三角公式换元法 15

3.4 数形结合法 浅谈高中数学中的最值求解:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_50516.html
