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时间:2020-04-02 20:43来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词:浙江高考; 不等式; 预测

 Research Methods in Zhejiang secondary mathematics inequality

Inequality occupies a very important place in middle school mathematics teaching in practical problems is quite widely used. It is the basic theory of mathematics indispensable part is indispensable mathematical research content, the real world is a manifestation of unequal relations indispensable important mathematical model is the basis for further study of mathematics and mathematics learning. Changes in 2015, Zhejiang college entrance exam math instructions, inequality position in sample volume has been greatly improved. As such. Explore the intellectual point inequality, for reducing inequality in the entrance part of the loss of points, is very realistic.

  This article is for high school teaching content inequality to sort out, the use of literature review and action research methods to analyze the inequality in high school teaching position, the analysis class standard of inequality positioning and new test instructions, Zhejiang college entrance test statistic, and studied in high school mathematics knowledge inequality points, the last of 2015, Zhejiang mathematics college entrance test sites predict volume inequality.

Keyword:Zhejiang entrance; inequality; forecast

目    录

第一章  绪论 . 1

  1.1  不等式在高中数学中的地位  1

1.1.1  课标对不等式的定位  1

1.1.2  新考试说明分析  2

1.1.3  浙江高考考查统计  . 3

1.2  不等式方法研究的意义  . 4

1.3  研究的思路和方法  . 4

1.3.1  研究思路  . 4

1.3.2  研究方法  . 4

第二章  高中不等式知识要点分析 . 6

2.1  不等关系与不等式  . 6

2.1.1  要点梳理  . 6

2.1.2  用不等式性质解决不等关系的问题  . 6

2.1.3  用不等式性质解决参变量的取值范围的问题  . 7

2.2  不等式的解法  . 7

2.2.1  知识要点  . 7

2.2.2  一元二次不等式(组)和可化为一元二次不等式(组)的不等式问题  10

2.2.3  含参数的不等式问题  . 10

2.3  简单的线性规划  . 11

2.3.1  知识梳理  . 11

2.3.2  简单的线性规划问题  . 11

2.3.3  含参变量的线性规划问题  . 12

2.4  基本不等式  . 13

2.4.1  知识梳理  . 13

2.4.2  利用基本不等式求最值的问题  . 14

2.5  不等式的综合运用  . 14

2.5.1  不等式综合应用问题  . 14

第三章  2015年浙江省数学高考可能会出现的题型分析 16

3.1  考点预测  . 16 浙江省中学数学中的不等式方法研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_49364.html
