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时间:2020-01-16 17:25来源:毕业论文

摘要本文主要研究的是对浙江省城乡居民的幸福指数进行定量分析,通过构建城乡居民幸福指标体系从而将人们的幸福感进行客观的量化。论文共分为三个部分,首先是通过筛选的四个模块:经济模块、生活模块、社会模块、环境模块,来对人们幸福感进行全面的度量,并由各大模块总共21个指标对人们幸福感进行测量。其次给出了幸福指数的度量模型,根据搜集的浙江省年的相关指标数据通过SPSS统计软件运用主成分分析方法来对四个模块分别进行分析并得出居民幸福指数得从而得出相应的结论。最后是对继续提升浙江省幸福感的相应建议。该研究对科学的评价浙江省城乡居民幸福感水平,具有重要的现实意义。 44073

The main research of this paper is to make quantitative analysis of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang Province, the happiness index, by constructing the index system of urban and rural residents will be happy and happiness to quantify objectively. The thesis is pided into three parts, the first is through the four modules: module, screening of economic life and social environment module, module, module, to a sense of happiness to conduct a comprehensive measure, and each module of a total of 21 indicators to measure the happiness. Secondly, describes the measure model of happiness index, according to the relevant data collected in Zhejiang province from 2007-2013 through SPSS statistical software using the method of principal component analysis of the four modules are analyzed and the residents' happiness index and draws the corresponding conclusion. The last is to continue to enhance the well-being of the corresponding suggestions in Zhejiang province. The level of happiness of urban and rural residents in Zhejiang province the research and evaluation of science, has the important practical significance.

毕业论文关键词:幸福指数     指标体系    主成分分析     评价模型

Keyword: Happiness Index     Indicator System    Principal component analysis Evaluation Model 


1.引言 4

2.构建幸福指数指标体系的理论研究 4

2.1构建幸福指数指标体系的基本原则 4

2.2 筛选指标及构建幸福指数指标体系 5

2.3 一级指标权重的确定 6

2.4 数据的收集与处理 6

3.主成分分析数学模型 7

3.1 主成分分析的基本思想 7

3.2 主成分分析模型简介 8

3.3相关系数测算 8

3.4 各模块的结果分析 8

3.4.1 经济模块的主成分分析 9

3.4.2生活模块的主成分分析 10

3.4.3 社会模块的主成分分析 11

3.4.4环境模块的主成分分析 12

3.5 计算幸福指数得分 12

4. 对幸福指数的结果分析 13

4.1经济因子与幸福指数 14

4.2生活因子与幸福指数 14

4.3社会因子与幸福指数 14

4.4环境因子与幸福指数 14

5. 关于提升浙江省城乡居民幸福指数的相应建议 城乡居民幸福指数的定量分析:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_45240.html
