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时间:2020-01-13 20:44来源:毕业论文


Abstract: Vieta’s Theorem is an important content of elementary mathematics. It mainly reveals the root and coefficient relationship of unary quadratic equation.The knowledge of Vieta’s Theorem is in all of the elementary mathematics. In elementary mathematics including elementary algebra, trigonomentry and anlytic geometry also has applications. In this paper, we use examples, problem solving and analysis to fully explore all kinds of applications in the topics about Vieta’s Theorem, and then summarize tips of its. In advanced algebra, using Polynomial theory, Fundamental Theorem of Algebra and Theorem of the number of root can spread it to the unary n times equation, and by solving problems and analysis again, we find the application in the unary n times equation about Vieta’s Theorem. Owning to its activity and simplicity, It’s widely used in elementary mathematics and analytic geometry.

毕业论文关键词:一元二次方程; 多项式; 根; 系数

Keywords: unary quadratic equation; polynomial; root; coefficient

 目    录

1.引言 3

2.韦达定理——一元二次方程中根与系数的关系 3

2.1初等代数中的韦达定理 4

2.1.1方法一:直接利用韦达定理表示x1,x2的代数式 4

2.1.2方法二:根据题目条件,先变形,再利用韦达定理求解 4

2.1.3方法三:根据方程两根的关系,利用韦达定理求系数关系 4

2.1.4方法四:构造方程,利用韦达定理,从而巧妙求根 5

2.1.5方法五:利用韦达定理和根的判别式,求未知量的取值范围 5

2.1.6方法六:利用韦达定理,方程间的巧妙转化 6

2.2解三角形中的韦达定理 6

2.2.1变形方程,巧妙利用方程,再利用韦达定理和根的判别式 6

2.2.2利用根的判别式和韦达定理,求解三角形问题 7

2.3解析几何中的韦达定理 8

2.3.1求与二次曲线弦长有关的问题 8

2.3.2求与曲线交点的个数的问题 9

2.3.3求与向量有关的问题 9

2.3.4求与定点、中点轨迹有关的问题 10

2.3.5求存在性问题 12

2.3.6解析几何中的综合应用 13

3.恒等式——一元n次多项式中根与系数的关系 16

3.1利用韦达定理求解多项式 17

3.2利用韦达定理逆定理求解多项式 韦达定理及其恒等式研究:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_45119.html
