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时间:2019-09-19 20:56来源:毕业论文
与卷积码相应的维特比译码算法是加性高斯白噪声(additive white gaussian noise,AWGN)信道下卷积码的最优译码算法,在数据信道和卫星通信中得到了广泛的应用

摘要:    随着科学技术的发展,人类跨入了高度发展的信息化时代。在政治、军事、经济等各个领域,信息的重要性不言而喻,有关信息理论的研究正越来越受到重视。自古以来,信息就如同物质和能量一样,是人类赖以生存和发展的基础资源之一。人类通信的历史可以追溯到远古时代,文字、信标、烽火及驿站等作为主要的通信方式,曾经延续了几千年。在无线通信系统中,为克服数据传输错误,需要进行差错控制编码。卷积编码是一种很好的纠错编码方法。它充分利用了各组之间的相关性,增加的监督元不仅与本组的信息元有关,而且与前面若干组的信息数字发生关系,这就是卷积码的基本想法。由于每个校检数字与更多的信息数字有关,无论从理论上还是实际上均已证明其性能优于分组码。与卷积码相应的文特比译码算法是加性高斯白噪声(additive white gaussian noise,AWGN)信道下卷积码的最优译码算法,在数据信道和卫星通信中得到了广泛的应用。39292
毕业论文关键词: 信息;通信系统;差错控制;卷积码;Matlab
MATLAB simulation of Viterbi decoding algorithm
Abstract:     With the development of science and technology, mankind entered the era of information highly developed. In the fields of politics, military, economy, understood the importance of information, research on information theory are more and more attention. Since ancient times, the information just as matter and energy, is one of the basic resource for human survival and development. The history of human communication can be traced back to ancient times, text, beacons, flames and inn as the main means of communication, have lasted thousands of years. In a wireless communication system, in order to overcome data transmission errors, the need for error control coding. Convolution coding is a good error correction coding method. It takes full advantage of the correlation between the groups, increased supervision element of this group is not only about the information element, and a relationship with the previous several groups of digital information, which is the basic idea of the convolutional code. Since each school inspection numbers and more digital information, whether in theory or in fact have proved superior to block codes. And convolution codes corresponding Viterbi decoding algorithm is the additive white Gaussian noise (additive white gaussian noise, AWGN) channel under optimal decoding algorithm convolution codes in the data channel and satellite communications have been widely used.
This article is designed to complete the circuit by Matlab output of Viterbi decoding, and BER analysis.
Keywords:    Information; Communication Systems; Error Control; Convolutional code; Matlab
1 绪论    5
2 理论介绍    6
2.1 通信系统概述与组成    6
2.2 信道编码    7
2.2.1 信道编码的分类    7
2.2.2 线性分组码    7
2.2.3 纠错编码    7
2.2.4 循环码    8
2.3 卷积码    8
2.3.1 卷积码的编码    9
2.3.2 卷积码的译码    11
3 MATLAB系统    13
3.1 MATLAB的发展历史    13
3.2 MATLAB系统的功能及特点    13
3.2.1 MATLAB系统    13
3.2.2 MATLAB的主要功能    14
3.3 MATLAB工具箱    14
电子技术类工具箱    14
自动控制类工具箱    14
3.4 MATLAB命令窗口主要功能介绍    15 基于MATLAB的维特比译码算法的仿真研究+程序:http://www.youerw.com/shuxue/lunwen_39580.html