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时间:2021-07-01 20:22来源:毕业论文



Effects of Inonotus obliquus companion fungus on some edible and medicinal fungis growth situation

Abstract:  Inonotus obliquus has important pharmacological effects and a wide range of applications. The artificial cultivation has long growth cycle and low content of the bioactive substances. In order to improve the growth rate and yield,we got eight companion fungus from Inonotus obliquus sclerotium.We studied the effects of 8 fungus on the growth of edible and medicinal fungi,such as Ganoderma lucidum ,Pleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus ostreatus. The research results show that: strain Z for the growth of the four kinds of edible and medicinal fungi have a certain role in promoting, for the growth of Inonotus obliquus, Ganoderma lucidumPleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus ostreatus were increased by 12.2%, 2.2%, 14.8% and 2.1%. Strain Q and strain J, strain M, strain O, strain C and strain F for the growth of the four kinds of edible and medicinal fungi have different promotion and inhibition. Finally, Associated fungus Z were galactitol. The compounds were identified by NMR and mass spectrometry.

Keywords:  Inonotus obliquus(Fr.) ,Inonotus obliquus companion fungi,Ganoderma lucidum ,Pleurotus eryngii ,Pleurotus ostreatus,Growth effect. 


绪 论 1

1. 材料与方法 2

1.1:材料 2

1.1.1四种食用药用菌类 2

1.1.2桦褐孔菌伴生菌类 3

1.2:实验仪器(主要) 3

1.3:培养基 3

1.4 实验方法 5

1.4.1总体流程 5

1.4.2具体步骤 6

2. 结果与分析 7

2.1桦褐孔菌组实验结果与分析 7

2.2灵芝组实验结果与分析 9

2.3杏鲍菇组实验结果与分析 10

2.4侧耳组实验结果与分析 11

2.5伴生菌z促生化合物的分离和鉴定 12

3.讨论 15

3.1.实验结果讨论: 15

3.2.问题与解决方案 15

3.3.关于实验环境 15

4. 致谢 16

5.参考文献 16

绪 论

     桦褐孔菌[Inonotus obliquus(Fr.)] 是十分珍稀而又名贵的食药用真菌。主要分布在北半球北纬40°~50°的地区,如北美、芬兰、波兰、俄罗斯、中国、日本等部分地区。在我国,桦褐孔菌资源主要分布在吉林长白山区、黑龙江大兴安岭、内蒙古等地[1]。其药用部位为桦褐孔菌的菌核,菌核中主要含有羊毛甾醇型三萜类、桦褐孔菌醇、桦褐孔菌素、黑色素类、叶酸衍生物以及芳香物质、木质素、栓菌酸、单宁等化学成分,其中起主要药理作用的为羊毛甾醇型三萜类、桦褐孔菌醇、桦褐孔菌素[2] 。具有抵抗肝癌、胃癌、肺癌、宫颈癌、乳腺癌、皮肤癌、直肠癌、淋巴等多种肿瘤细胞,以及抗艾滋病病毒、抗感染、治疗糖尿病、降血压调节血脂、抗机体衰老、增强免疫力等药理作用。目前,桦褐孔菌已经能够人工栽培,但人工栽培产量低,活性物质含量少,抗肿瘤抗氧化活性明显低于野生菌核[3][4]。论文网 桦褐孔菌伴生菌对几种食药用菌生长的影响:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_77785.html
