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时间:2020-10-05 19:54来源:毕业论文
通过分光光度法测定五种不同蜂蜜中的黄酮含量;结果显示椴树蜜、油菜蜜、紫云英蜜、洋槐蜜、枣花蜜中黄酮含量依次为0.0023836 mg/g、0.0025698 mg/g、0.0023836 mg/g 、0.0025698 mg/g 、0.0025698

摘要:蜂蜜是一种天然甜保健食品,广泛应用于药理、临床、制药等领域。蜂蜜中含有的黄酮类物质具有广泛的生物活性,对人体心脑血管、免疫系统有着良好的保护作用。本实验以椴树蜜、油菜蜜、紫云英蜜、洋槐蜜、枣花蜜为实验材料,通过分光光度法测定五种不同蜂蜜中的黄酮含量;结果显示椴树蜜、油菜蜜、紫云英蜜、洋槐蜜、枣花蜜中黄酮含量依次为0.0023836 mg/g、0.0025698 mg/g、0.0023836 mg/g 、0.0025698 mg/g 、0.0025698 mg/g,不同蜜源的蜂蜜黄酮含量差异不明显。本文旨在为消费者提供市场上常见蜂蜜的黄酮含量检测值,希望能为人们选购蜂蜜及辨识真假蜂蜜提供理论数据。57570


Abstract: Honey is a natural sweet health food,which widely used in pharmacology, clinical, pharmaceutical and other fields. Honey contains flavonoids that have a wide range of biological activity and have a protective effect on the human body heart head blood-vessel, immune system.This experiment is to measure the content of flavonoids in linden honey cole honey, clover honey,locust honey and jujube honey through spectrophotometric method. The result shows the contain of flavonoids in linden honey cole honey, clover honey,locust honey and jujube honey is 0.0023836 mg/g 0.0025698 mg/g 0.0023836 mg/g 0.0025698 mg/g 0.0025698 mg/g. The content of flavonoids from different sources of honey has slightly different. The purpose of this paper is to provide consumers with the flavonoids content of common honey values on the market, hope to help people buy honey and provide theoretical data to identify true and false honey.

Keywords:honey,flavonoids, spectrophotometry


1  前言 5

1.1 黄酮类化合物的分类、结构 5

1.2  黄酮提取与测定方法 7

1.2.1  黄酮提取方法 7

1.2.2  黄酮测定方法 8

1.3  黄酮类化合物的药理作用 8

2  实验材料与方法 9

2.1  材料与试剂 9

2.2  仪器与设备 9

2.3  蜂蜜中总黄酮的提取 9

2.4  标准品溶液的制备 9

2.5  芦丁标准曲线的绘制 10

2.6  蜂蜜中黄酮类化合物的测定 10

3  结果与分析 10

结论 13

参考文献 14

致谢 16

1  前言



蜂蜜中含黄酮类化合物,其抗氧、抗癌、抗感染等功效[2]与其中所含黄酮类化合物密不可分。目前市场蜂蜜品牌繁多,各个品种蜂蜜所含黄酮存在差异。 蜂蜜中黄酮含量的检测:http://www.youerw.com/shiping/lunwen_62340.html
